วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

"Teen Guide Job Search" Book Review

I just finished reading the book "Teen Job Search Guide" by Donald Wilkes and Viola Hamilton-Wilkes. I am deep in the scene teen job as owner of the jobs involved teenagers and resume writing company website for young people and, as such, I read a very fey books on the subject. This book is a ten step guide that will help teenagers in their job search. The chapters are picking what you want, write your CV, interviews and other basic subjects. I must say that I am not very impressed with theBook. Do not get me wrong, it was well written and provided decent information.

My biggest criticism is that the book be different from the dozens of other similar books on the shelf. They offer the same tips on how to dress well on the conversation and eye contact during the interview. These are important ideas, but not enough to fill an entire book. In addition, the information was from and most of it was no longer relevant. Many of the suggestions that they resumeprovided or is no longer acceptable practice. The book does not mention the importance of the Internet and how to help young people find jobs.

There were a few bright spots in the book. I liked the chapter that guides teenagers through the career exploration process. I liked making the fact that the book devotes a chapter to define some of the difficult words that young people encounter on applications and interviews.

Finally, the book was onlyAverage, in my opinion, how do you find this information in a book, you can get on this subject.

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Self Actualization - A 9 Step Process

Abraham Maslow was a man before his time. He was intelligent enough to study healthy and productive people, while the development is in psychology to study people from the mentally unstable variety. His approach was more scientific than philosophical, and so his work is widely studied in psychology classes in the world - and for good reason. Maslow helped to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. In other words, he added, in reference to the study of the mind, and added that the human raceScience.

The highlight of his 20-year research, Maslow came to order one, which automatically updates a person had to adopt a reflective nature to believe. This person should have the capacity for two things: self-study and take action.

The following nine steps you can help there:

1. Let yourself fully in the moment. If you participate in an activity so that your full attention is on the task at hand, you are in the flow. When you become aSource of energy and you have this divine energy is available. For this reason, your work require a joyous experience.

2. Start to be what brings the life of the table is known, and make decisions that serve your best interests. The choice that you will be easy, because your intuition (our inner source) is set so high that it is not wrong, you never manage to. A trust is developed, so that you can recognize if your choice will be more of a challenge (associated with a risk)Let the result in a better place.

3. Will you keep sent to your ego in check. Do not be put into a slave to the desires of other people, and relaxed at your true self in the physical world.

4. Live in humility and integrity. Forgive yourself and forgive others. If you make a choice, do not serve, have you or other people than you thought they would own it. Take responsibility for where you are and what appears to you.

5. Be willing to live on a --Island. Know that some of your decisions will be unpopular, but go with them anyway. Seeking admission, is not the way to you. Take advantage of the measures to creatively and boldly.

6. Trust your instincts and listen to your intelligence. Study in your field of choice. Their ability to connect with your good work to give you a balanced assessment of the situation.

7. Be specific in your desires and know that you will be able to win them. You can not take care of themselves by trying toThings that fall into the category of illusion. Use the universal law of attraction with ease, but keeps his feet firmly on the ground.

8. , Knowing who you are and what you are capable. Its strength lies in being, and are stopped from there. Let us inspire your actions. Follow the inner guidance. Understand and respect that you have the power, and also respect the fact that other that force is available.

9. Live with compassionknow that other difficulties in accessing this source can come. Have a strong moral compass. Live your life with the purest of the intention to realize and that is the best way of serving others.

If you would follow these steps with the consistency of practice, Abraham Maslow update you as self-image. He was a wise man. Maslow came in 1970, but his work lives on. In this quote from Abraham Maslow, he shows his respect for the spiritual and scientific nature of manare:

"Self is the inner growth, which is already in the organism, or more precisely, what the organism is."

Copyright 2007, Avenstar Enterprises, Inc. / Zen Fireflies

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Career Education

A competitive world motivates people to seek higher education that shape their future. Career Education developed a systematic program for students. It is a basic and increasingly relevant part of students and adults. It covers the activities and experiences to self-knowledge, professions, educational backgrounds, increase job-searching skills and decision-making strategies.

Many schools and colleges offer courses and counseling on careerEducation, should in the care of the "whole person." Career education programs will help enable students to discover their potential. These programs focus primarily on three interrelated areas, learner, interpersonal and professional development. Within these three areas, students acquire an understanding of their critical and analytical skills.

A comprehensive program for training students to experience clarifies the importance of their school. It isto the students a head start in their careers by studying a variety of career opportunities. It is also intended to ensure that prepare every student receives a quality education for higher education and their first job in a competitive market.

The strategies of vocational education programs include career contextual learning, which emphasize the use of scientists in fields outside the classroom.

The programs helpStudents develop study skills and strategies that they can use at work. It makes them manage and be responsible for their own learning.

Online career education has increased in popularity. More and more people choose online courses over traditional education in the classroom. Universities and colleges respond to this growing demand by offering a variety of online programs, classes and degrees.

Career Education Programs have to be veryBenefit to the students. They include education plans that define their abilities, skills and values. The students talk about their abilities in certain occupations, and prepare a research project on a career that matches their goals and abilities.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Feng Shui Store Design

A well-planned interiors store is for retail sales success. We know, for example, that a good store design can revitalize sales, minimize shoplifting and to promote a brand image. But what if the way the interior is articulated, allowing you to promote a hidden energies to your business and in attracting good fortune tap?

This is the belief behind Feng Shui Shop design and it is by no means a new-age fashion. This practice has been used by Chinese traders for centuries, and isNow the search for new supporters in the West by some large retail chains. (Without too deep into it, it is filled with arcane details hard), it is an old code, partly aesthetic, practical, and some with a large dose of mysticism. The purpose of (literally air modulate water) and to channel the invisible energy ( "qui" is pronounced "chi") that exists all around us. By manipulating, or rather the fine tuning of the physical environment, it is possible to harmonize with this energyand create a positive synergy to the lives of those who influence the interaction with the environment in a positive way.

Some retailers who are the ancient Chinese principles of design in their stores the application vehemently maintains a measurable increase in business volume, according to a recent article published in Apparel News. But while the financial returns can be denied, it is possible that most of the results of the fact that feng shui involves reflecting a lot of good designPractice and purely aesthetic principles, the actual benefits arising from the appointment of a retail space with a non-subjective clarity. Of course there are talks of skeptics! The other possibility is that influence is a metaphysical force with a power rating in the bottom line. Wherever the truth lies, everything is a tonic to increase sales in these testing times, is worth some further exploration.

For more information about Feng Shui or to find a consultant in your areaVisit of the American Feng Shui Institute (www.amfengshui.com) or if you have a bit of DIY then Lillian Too's book "The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui" is an ideal starting point and Reference Manual.

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Personal Testimony On Christian Belief

One of my favorite Bible verses in Habakkuk, "Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that it can read at a glance and tell everyone rush to the others."

As a young girl I loved working with words and stories to tell, and I have given my life to Jesus to be his servant in any way. I had thought that God would truthfully the two together. Paul writes in Galatians 6:4 (and this is the message from the Bible by Eugene Peterson), "A careful exploration of who you areand the work that you have given, and then himself in the sink. "Those were my goals.

But one day a few years ago when I was "before the Lord, wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7), I realized I would never be the person that I wanted! I would never be that magazine editor and forth between Carol Stream and at home. It was as if a giant had struck his huge hand on my cheek. And I felt like I had not God.

After my surgery, and in the last ten years, myspiritual temperature had dropped below zero. I called myself and wrote in my diary, "My name is Sorrow. I am nothing."

Define through your work, your career, what if you never came to your work? Housewife, teacher, entrepreneur, professor, salesman, janitor, pastor, musician, psychotherapist, whatever.

When we introduced the man, what's the first thing you say after the name? (WAIT) What is your profession? Where do you work?

When my healthCondition stabilized, I wanted to move in life. I knew I was of use to God, but I could not move my mind until a few answers.

The best thing was to identify with Jesus praying in the garden. It was agonizing hours for him. Even his disciples denied him when he hit bad times. And were Jesus' last words of his prayer in the garden "not my will but Thine be done." To have a fulfilling life as Christ, at least for me, I had identified with so badly.

I knew, as Paultells us that I had to make "to run the race" because we are told that Matthew (6:33), he won first place in our lives and live as he wants us.

So I kept writing. I told God, I'll do what he asked of me. Be gopher God. We are told in Philippians (4:19) that God fulfill all our needs. Editing was a need or a deficiency? Who cared? Let go and let God.

Another favorite verse is: "Everything is possible with God."

One day on the Internet, I answered an ad for a freelanceEditor. I have stopped! And I love the work! Last year some of my editorial assistance, Susan Krauser's Children's picture book was published. So Ethan Henderson's Why Kids was not a heart attack. And edited more and more of my books have been published. I was so happy for the authors, especially when Nancy Mur CD's book for Today's Top Ten list was selected children for Christmas gifts under $ 10.

My vision for my life I had. And Jesus is so often taught that one would think Iknow that God is never my visualization of his way. "If you are weakest, I am my strongest," said Jesus.

I'm still nothing. . . nothing but God's child, that's still gotta learn a lot.

I urge you to identify with Christ, not with your work. Just be. And if you introduced to someone, they ask about their hobbies. They fix their own cars? What was the last movie you have seen them? Forget the professions for a while.

As Maya Angelou writes: "Life is a pureAdventure, and the sooner we realize that the sooner we will be able to treat life as art. "

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Positive Attitude is Key to Successful Career Transitions

For the past 47 years, the National Career Development Association celebrated November as National Career Development month. This year's theme is "Find Your Voice - Change Your World," for those thinking about a career change this may actually the best time to get started. In this month that the career of professionals still dedicated to helping people recognize the importance of lifelong career planning, career development andprofessional development. This month offers a great opportunity to satisfy your current job or career, explore alternatives, assess and develop plans that are better prepared, that you have more fulfilling future employment.

Whether you feel stuck, "" satisfied with your existing career, "but still exploring," or just a transition to something more, is from November to the time, always begin your ducks in a row. Just as the fire department encourages us to our smokeDetector batteries when the time changes, we should commit ourselves to influence spending some time exploring every day this month on factors that our professional decisions. An important factor affecting the career prospects and our perspective in our current job situation, is our own attitude. It is important to any career planning activities will begin this month with a positive attitude and tell yourself that this month will be a catalyst for your long-term career satisfaction.

TheConference Board recently reported that the employees are growing increasingly dissatisfied with their work. This decline in job satisfaction cuts in all areas with the workers of all ages and all incomes. The report continues that in 2005, gave only half of all Americans, they were satisfied with their work, by 10% from a decade ago. In fact, the survey shows that only 14% of workers are actually "very satisfied" with their work. This dissatisfaction can lead to severe stress in the workplacewhich manifests itself often in a negative workplace persona, whether you like it or not.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH (www.niosh.org), a research arm of the Centers for Disease Control, defines job stress as "harmful physical and emotional reactions that occur when the requirements do not meet the work skills , resources and needs of workers. "

Many of us are probably familiar with or that people who hate their jobs and workedwas completely stressed out about it. We probably saw that stress feed into a negative attitude, which ultimately affects the workplace work to the point where they were perhaps even terminated. Sometimes everything is what it takes to reduce some of our stress at work is a shift in our own personal preferences. This month is the time to begin to learn self-exploration is needed to develop what inspires us about the work and strategies to develop the excitement back into our work. We have the power toDecisions have an impact on our attitudes and a positive attitude, positive energy attracts others. Use November to check your setting and are committed to improving the expenditure every day this month or something to change your job situation.

(c) Copyright - Marcia C. Robinson, BullseyeResumes.com All rights reserved worldwide.

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