วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Developing Your Interests - How to Find Your Soul-Longing Career

Some of us move from career to career never really know where we belong.

Others know from the beginning, where they are destined to earn a living and then go and do it. Cortney Litwin is only one such person.

Growing up, she always had an interest in writing, astrology, and the public space. In its endless 20's Cortney studied astrology. In their 30's they honed their writing skills to perfection by going back to school and get a degree in journalism.During their 40 they took advantage of opportunities to speak publicly about their love, and began broadcasting for several radio stations.

While her parents may have hoped they would go into the family business (the wide belt from the famous Elvis wore in his last appearance), the tailoring was not easy for them.

All the while, she continued to find work that matched their skills and interests.

If we consider the development of the Life's Work Cortney could have observed, there shouldlooked something like this:

Early in life she made a point after their interest in astrology, dream interpretation, and other metaphysical studies.
They also extended their three preferred values, the exploration of spirituality and personal growth, developing their creativity and a positive force recorded in the world.
Her interest in writing and to understand, why people act like they helped her a positive force in the world through their greatLove to help people and by studying the spiritual astrology.
It has finally developed the perfect career for them, containing their most important skills, interests and values. Growing their talents, as the industry changed, so it has. Not once has she ever want to get out of their profession. She had found their target.

Today, Cortney beams when she talks about her work. "I am a writer of metaphysical articles and astrologer. I am also a co-hostPersonality of the Internet radio show, "The Cosmic Sutra, where I found my astrology and dream interpretation experience with callers. "

Since Cortney develop the vision and reap the benefits of their spirituality and personal growth, she now offers spiritual relationships and insights to people who read her radio show and hear thought-provoking lyrics.

Are you one of millions who do not know where you are in a career, do not giveup. There are solutions. Looking back, how in the early Cortney has God-given abilities, interests and values. If you can not quite put it together and you see your career options, you will find a professional advisor who will help you sort it all out. You may find yourself ready to start businesses, this dream you have been thinking about from home.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is an Enriched Preschool Program?

Many of the best Brookline kindergartens offer programs as part of their curriculum enrichment. Why? Because numerous studies have shown that the enrichment programs to benefit children in each socioeconomic group, so that they become productive citizens of the world in the future. This is obviously the number one Brookline reason why many parents choose for their child in a preschool Brookline, subscribe to emphasize that an enriched program of social, physical and cognitive development in the offersIn addition to language skills.

Kindergartens in Brookline should know to go over a basic child care and parents find the best Brookline preschool providers. Enrichment programs should encourage a variety of activities that young minds to give the study a second language, dramatic and creative play, basic science experiments that children an opportunity to explore the world around them closer. In this sense, most kindergartens in Brookline focus on threeBasic elements of a whole child approach to bilingual education and exploration of the world around them.

Exploring the World
Much of what we learn takes place outside the traditional classroom. The kindergartens in Brookline offers many opportunities for children to explore the world observed through field trips, visits to museums and other cultural institutions, and even simple trips to the playground to urban and suburban wildlife.

The whole child approach
A BrooklinePreschool children, an enrichment program normally offers children many opportunities to play their fine and gross motor skills through arts and crafts and outdoors, offers to develop activities. The difference is that many of the best Brookline kindergartens, there is a multi-level curriculum developed, probably acting classes, language courses, and maybe even a week yoga classes, which by the way an excellent opportunity for children which may not be sports fans can engage in some. Yoga is also a goodWay for kids to learn to calm themselves in times of such stress.

A bilingual education
In Brookline, a bilingual kindergarten education is often part of the curriculum as well. If it is important to you as a parent a child of preschool age Brookline, then you should try the best Brookline preschool offered as part of its enrichment program bilingual education. Learning a second language, or even a third building is an excellent opportunity for young people to the language skills such as vocabulary,Sentence structure and grammar. Bilingual education of a child also increases the appreciation of the customs and cultures that differ from their own.

วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Color Your Life

Have you ever being ranked in your career, wondering how you got there? If you have set for ourselves, not like your job, but do not see how you invest for 15 years can do about it.
Let's take a different perspective and see if you can solve your dilemma through this colorful full range of job and career exploration.

Think about when you started working. She looked at options and examine different ways of making money soon, you may havemoved into a new career as a way to change a lifestyle, or create, to transform your work life. This step brings the power and under free. There is strength and energy, and the color is red, the base chakra. It does not matter whether you find a job or a business culture built up their own businesses. They are inspired and motivated.

Move your career brings networking meetings, websites, and all social issues. Adding friends or former business partners to promoteYour business. If a company you make your employees and the Heads of State and Government. It is stimulating, social, and the color is orange, the second chakra.

At this point, your career is a craft to a number of skills or a model. They work on stored procedures, or protocols. You work from your left brain .. This is the third chakra, and the color is yellow. Your experiences are formalized, routine. Some people stay here, the feeling of the strong hold of the golden handcuffs.

Othernatural transition to the next level, the heart removed. To link to an evolving cycle of growth for yourself and your work.
Perhaps, like so many people these days, you started your career at a very young age, selling crafts in the garage, to participate in Junior Achievement, or lemonade. They work with passion, a mission. Their training is out of this place and learn the techniques and terminology of your career.

Try getting back to the heart after theEducation? They never leave the heart center, because that is who you are. The color is green and you give everything, from your place of authenticity. This is the fourth chakra.

Your next transition is the hardest, because that's where you express who you are and what you do. And where many routine trips. At this level, you integrate your work at work and in your body, the loss of the stored abilities. They are "in flux", as when you change to meet new peopleCompanies and encounter new opportunities. Life is an art form. This is the fifth chakra, blue, and it is the neck or communications center. How you speak about this place, you begin to experience the law of attraction. Here you can clarify, redefine, or intentions of who and what you want to attract and how to expand your career or business base.

Your next layer is the integration of your intentions in your inner knowledge, the intuitive self, can flow so realbegin. You assume leadership roles. They work with the intuitive voice, you have ego, the need to get right, and fresh ideas by synchronicity. This is the sixth chakra, indigo, in the third as the eye. It is the center, working from the shamans and healers.

Here are your last step could be, because this brings you to the mental level - a crucial step in the big picture. It's where you and your work, you in connection with the Divine in all things, and you will be aware of your impactEnvironments on the other. You connect with yourself in a different way. Experience the integration of your life on all levels. Here is where balance really starts. It is the place where you can experience the "big AH HA". This is when things become mystical. It is the crown or seventh chakra, and the color is purple. For the "nuts and bolts like all".

However, I believe that there is a next and final step. It is here where you can get off track again. It is also herewhere you get the freedom to express that you are in the world. This takes you to a place of trust and know, and your career and life to a true art, you have finely crafted. It resonates in your body, in your mind and move freely in this knowledge. It's where you follow your words and actions, and paint, write, design build a house or a boat. It is a place of freedom, and it is not age or have retired.

It is here where you get the power and strength of your base chakra, red, and the mixtureit with your crown chakra of violets, so that your spirit speaks from deep within your being. The blended color magenta, the aura of color that will be your magical, mystical attractor. It's where you express your uniqueness and you will be grounded in your heart.
You may wonder why there are so many in the business with a "poor me" attitude. I believe that this comes when people work, from the lower chakras and experience anxiety, and lack of competition. NoWhether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you have the option of the "poor" I move "spot. To revitalize, color and reshape your world, step aside for the moment to walk and reflect on where you stand in the world of business. Even better visualize where you are in the world.

Looking back at these eight levels, and check where you stand today. Where have you in the past and where you move your career and your life today? Take some time for thisThe growth prospects are steps.
These concepts can be a bit nervous, unique and safe out of the box. May you find your place on the edge.

© 2004 Susan "Sue" Bacon Trumpfheller

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

5 Tips to Keep in Mind Before Your Child Goes to College

Your children can be 8 or 18, but someday, they will go to college (unless they have other plans!) A day. The years will pass and you will not even know when your child graduates from high school and stand before you with a college acceptance letter. Therefore, it is very important to prepare them for school, before the time comes to finally leave the house.

Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure that moving your child to college as smoothly arepossible

1. Communication
It is very important to always stay on your child's goals and dreams. Never leave the channels of communication between a child and a parent go down. You should always make a good impression of what is going on in the light of your child when it comes to careers and further education. Remember that a child going to college is usually at an age where he could be his future career decisions are uncertain, his college major, or even if he wants to attend, College or not. If you communicate frequently with your child, you can help clear away some of those doubts by the spirit of your child.

2. Involvement
You should always remain active in the education of your child and that of the primary school. It can be as simple as attending PTA meetings, but stay tuned to your child's education you can offer some insights into his goals, desires and dreams that are very handy when the time comes for him to get to go to college.

3.> Exploration
However, you should always be encouraged to explore themes and issues above his level of comfort. If your child is limited to a few number of subjects, your child may never learn what he can do really well, or what he is really enthusiastic. Try to arouse his curiosity and different things right from primary school - music, art, language, sports, mathematics, science, etc. Let him experience a wide variety of subjects before he hits the college, it is the Moving to a universityWhole lot easier for him and you.

4. Thrift
At college, your child will have to live away from home on a meager allowance, or the hourly wages of a job. This may not be a difficult experience for many children used to thrift. Teach your children the value of money directly from an early age and the importance of saving. Steer them away from the use of credit cards and debt - students are drowning themselves in debt through the use of easily accessible infamousCredit cards. Please note that your child does eventually save money that you will save money too.

5. Promotion
It is very important to monitor your child about his dream and to encourage passions. At the same time, you must be aware if your child something, because he was really passionate about pursuing, or if he does, just to follow friends. If your child thinks he is not ready for college, do not insert him, it will only go backwards. Take time to understand your child'sGoals, and encourage them.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Your Future Career Choices Belong to YOU

Never let someone convince him or say anything else. Nothing is worse than a job in any career without passion. Spend your LIFE ~ hours, days or years to work ~ ~ or play where you want to be doing what you want to do. You are on a journey that we call life so that your decisions wisely, not in a hurry. Few decisions are important, if at all.

Set high goals with great expectations. Never be persuaded to give up, for some reason. You have to live a purpose to serve,give back the best of what you have. Perhaps you have less than your best at school, college, even a few past jobs no excuse. Forget the past, it has gone to not return a non-over. We demand that the story and have to live with it.

However, learn from your past or it will end repeats itself. If you ruffle a few places or bad experiences of poor decisions you set your goals higher. Did not make the same mistakes that you made in the past. You can use it to start again with a newDirection.

Maybe you do not need to change. As long repeat, a good choice. Also in the future to grow your career and develop to take on greater responsibility. Become more valuable to your employer or yourself, if an entrepreneur. Write your goals and keep score. Be sure to journal your daily activities and services to meet your personal goals.

Wonders why everything and listen to the answers. Why do I have this job? Why am I on this career path? WhyI'm on this trip? Why I am with this company? Why am I going to start my own business? Keep asking why, write your answers down quickly. It will surprise you with either good thoughts, or it can open new doors for exploration.

Challenges and decisions are constant companions. Sometimes you can just be in the wrong place, wrong company, it is simply wrong, as far as that goes. You'll find powerful messages a train to make a change to get a new careerPath.

Maybe you've realized that you are in a dead-end job. It is possible that you took the job, without thinking, or was it a requirement of time in order to survive. You owe it to yourself and your family as the best thing you can. We all have one goal in life, otherwise we would not be here. God is interested in the future. Let him down.

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