วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Executive Coaches - Revealed - How to Jumpstart a Career in Coaching Executives

An executive coach is someone who observes the behavior within an organization, mentors, employees, and anyone who recognizes individual talents. How to run coaching is one of the most lucrative careers in these days, it's no wonder that so many people who are trying to sink their teeth into. Are you one of them?

If you have the willingness to learn and if you yourself motivated, you probably will not find it too difficult to become an effective executive coach.

The first thingYou need to do is undergo continuous training. At the moment there are hundreds of online and offline businesses that offer comprehensive training programs to be ambitious executive coaches. This training will not only do you learn how to coach, but they will also help you learn how to develop business and marketing plans, how to learn "you need to employ themselves, and learn how to develop their organizational capacity. You need this training, as they are pre-conditions for participation inCertification programs.

Apart from these training and certification programs, you also need a truck load of patience and the drive to actively spend several months in order to have new customers and sell yourself. Remember: This offer requires great commitment to help customers make the primary focus. Moreover, they are the one who will bring the precious pennies at your pockets.

You also need relevant experience, which certainly look good on your portfolio. Remember that the customeris not with you, if you proved the success story. If you're just starting out, and if you have to fight to get clients to talk with you it would be best if you offer your services free for the meantime until you get the exposure and experience you need.

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

US Marines - The Making of a Marine - The Recruiting Side (Part 1 of 2)

The steps are definitely not just a marine. There are things that is quite possible by an applicant to go through to make it to bootcamp. Once a candidate is coming to boot camp, he or she still faces challenges, a Marine. It is everything but the process in the manufacture of a Marine.

Everything begins with a recruiter. A recruiter is a Marine who has been through the school to a Marine recruiter Recruiter. In July 2006 has had the Western Region (all states west of Texas)1061 Recruiter. During the month of July, the western region of recruiting mission to the Treaty in 2398 candidates, which was, on average, to 2.26 contracts (number of candidates, which is to be won) per recruiter. 2.26 per Recruiters can not seem like much, but it requires the Navy Recruiters spend countless hours trying to get a person to potential applicants through the use of many techniques. Out of 164 calls made from a recruiter, he or she is about 1 applicant from these average164 calls (164:1). Ministry of Transport is when a person walks in to ask questions around the U.S. Marine Corps. Ministry of Transport 3:1. Area canvas is, if the agent goes out to malls, fast-food restaurants, schools, etc. .. to try to contact with people who talk about the Marine Corps. Canvas is 11:1. Home visit is, if the agent can not get a grip on an individual so he or she walks through the house record of the individual to contact. Home visit is 12:1. These are just a few methods thatAdvertisers are trying to people to join the Marine Corps. With these methods, the recruiter success only about 35% for the month of July 2006. Since fiscal year (October 1, 2005 to July 31, 2006) continued the Marine recruiters Recruiters from the western region, the three regions, 8th, 9th and 12 District, includes nearly 76,500 people, and only 14,917 under contract, with nearly 20% success rate. Recently, the Marine Corps Recruiting Region took the attitudeMy Space, the infamous site that has practically everyone's attention, hoping to reach a whole new base of individuals.

With all the stress, the one in the life of a Recruiter, the workload can build up the family. With the long hours is a lot of time spent away from family. As a recruiter miss you a lot of precious time with your kids, like a baseball games, ballet, school plays, and even birthdays. For advertisers, it is very depressing, but for the children, it can bedevastating! They start to think the parent that's on recruiting duty doesn't want to be around them or that they don't love them anymore. Very depressing!

At this point, the recruiter's marriage is on thin ice. Usually the wife of a recruiter is tired of the time that is spent away from the family. She is the one who has to listen to the children cries over their father; it can take a toll on a mother who is now left to raise the children alone. When the recruiter finally comes home in the late evening, he is very tired, the kids are asleep and the wife wants to argue. This leads to additional stress on the marriage. With all of the married recruiters in the western region, more than half of them ended in divorce. "In 2004, divorced 2235 Marine recruiters, according to the Defense Manpower Data Center. This brought the divorce rate in the Marine Corps up to about 65 percent, 20 percent more than the average rate in the U.S., according to the DMDC (LCpl R. Drew ,2005).

First, an applicant in the office can be a headache for a recruitment agency. You have children, degraded and completely disrespectful recruiters. Not to mention, the parents of the children are not always an easy sell. They slam doors in the recruiter face, call them murderers, baby killers, and their views on hatred of them. In addition, the fact is that it is a war only hiders the situation. Recruiters are also with racism, depending on where they are stationed, and the color have to do tooSkin. Because faced with these things, you can take to name but a few of a toll on everyone. I can only imagine trying to sell the Marine Corps, under these conditions. Not to mention, they have to go home and struggling with a marriage.

When they finally get a potential applicant, the office, the recruiter needs to start his resale of the Marine Corps. This will be by to find out what did the individual needs of life. Find out whether tangible or intangible goals want to go to college,or just want away from home. Once the advertisers find out what are the potential applicants' needs, he or she is the sales pitch gears to these needs. That try to make it easier to follow the law of the Marine Corps does.

A recruiter can spend countless hours trying to convince a person to join the Marine Corps. Most would say: "Remember that individual and focus on someone else." But for a recruiter, your career depends on it their mission to make every month. The recruitment requirement, you canbe a hero, at 15 months, but once they have a bad month, they go from Hero to Zero. In turn, this leads some recruiters go far beyond the gray area, such as creating false high school diplomas to tell applicants about previous injuries, which would begin to disqualify them, or try to win autistic children are , to name a few. One of the most extreme stories that I heard was from the army. The applicant had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and just could not keepanything. Somehow this child went to Army boot camp. When he came to boot camp, he had to retake the ASVAB. Needless to say, failed because of this incredible setting. Come to find out, in order, had his Recruiter someone to test for it before going to Boot Camp. If the applicant already been found qualified, he or she must take the ASVAB test. The ASVAB is the military vocational aptitude battery has developed a series of tests by the Department of Defense. "The ASVAB was originally designed toPredict future academic and professional success in military occupations. Since its inception in 1968, the ASVAB the subject of extensive research. Numerous studies have shown, validating the ASVAB assess academic ability and predicts success in a variety of occupations "(Career Exploration, 2004).

If the applicant is the ASVAB, he or she thinks of certain tasks, depending on how well they relate to the test. If the applicant did not complain about theASVAB, they have to wait 30 days before they are again. And if they do not for a second time, they must wait 6 months before it repeated a third time. The Marine Corps has to offer a ton of jobs. They alone can be a high level of intelligence task, a simple to cook. Some people are not sure what they want to do, so we can ultimately decide the Marine Corps, which is something I would not recommend it.

Applicants must now pass a physical and go through a thorough backgroundInvestigation. The purpose of the DOD medical standards to ensure that medically trained personnel, are accepted into the armed forces of the United States:

(1) free from contagious diseases likely to endanger the health of other employees.

(2) free of disease or physical defects that would require too much time lost from the tax for the necessary treatment or hospitalization, or would probably result in separation from the Army for medical unfitness.

(3) MedicalLocation satisfactory completion of required training.

(4) Medical adapt to the military environment without the necessity of geographical area limitations.

(5) Medically capable of performing duties without aggravation of existing physical defects or diseases.

During the background check can be verified the following: driving record, social security number, credit record, criminal record, education, court records, workers' compensation, bankruptcy filings andCharacter references. You can also talk to neighbors and former employers about them, and check to see into the medical records, property, drug testing and results, if they are on a sex offenders list.

If all conditions are met, the applicant is placed in the Delayed Entry Program, which means they are just waiting to go to boot camp for various reasons, as they finish high school or wait to do out of the probationary period for a little push . While in the DelayedEntry Program, which began many candidates to have second thoughts. You wonder if a Marine was the right choice. Many tend to her friends call her stupid for wanting the military, especially since it participate in a war. And with all the pressures in the life of a teenager, they are frightened and no longer want to have a navy. When this happens, it will be one of the biggest problems and stresses for a recruitment agency. Now, a recruiter will have to find a way to keep the applicantmotivated, not the easiest thing to do. At this point you have recruiters go back into the depths of that gray area. The day before the applicant goes to Boot Camp is usually spent with your loved ones. The plaintiffs spent much time parting from family and friends. In the evening, he or she is picked up by their recruiter and taken to a hotel for the evening for the final process. The morning is spent having breakfast with other candidates and get their final paperwork and plane tickets.In the afternoon, the applicant makes it to the airport to board a plane, it will be to Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego, California, which begins with the proper transformation.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Stop Mind Chatter For Meditation

The foundation of a spiritual practice of daily meditation. Ideally, one would meditate every day at the same time and same place. This structure helps to relax your mind as mediation habit. How does your mind is on this practice used, one can reach deep states of mediation and / or branch out into the exploration of the different states of consciousness.

Since I) is a practice of meditation (usually at the same place and at the same time, my biggest challenge, and Ibelieve the greatest challenge for all who sit a form of meditation attempts to gossip, aka, mental games, or 'monkey mind. " Is the talker, the never-ending stream of thoughts that race through the brain - constantly reminds you of all the things you need to do, places you have to go, conversations you had earlier in the day, etc. While the goal of meditation, it is quiet talkers and not that go into a state-of thought, most meditators find it difficult to turn theirBrain.

Here are a few techniques I have found to calm the mind before mediation:

Gentle stretching, or 10-15 minutes of hatha yoga - especially if you sit all day at his desk.
Rhythmic breathing - Take) in breath for a number of 7 (enlargement of the breath in your belly, hold for 1, exhale for a count of 7, hold your breath for 1 Repeat for 10 laps.
Listen Babbler Beater (see link below), a soundtrack to help solve the mind-games, which is trainedBrain, calm and helps you into deep states of consciousness.
Take a warm bath-My favorite!

Further information to note:

Limit your intake of caffeine, sugar and other stimulating foods before your meditation.
Be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Comfort is the key!
Find a quiet room where pets, children, spouses will be cell phones and you are not bothered.

Give the daily meditation. Your whole life will improve. I guarantee it!

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

When Healing Becomes a Commodity

Most practitioners of medicine (any modality) begin their careers with the intent to commit, a healer. Many artists (any modality) made their choice forms of creativity to be vehicles of healing for others, through expression. The skewed concept of values which our society imposes upon us, many of us further away from the "work" and we sell deeply entrenched in the mechanics.

If you grow up, usually in our teens, we begin to make decisions about our existence.So many of us embrace the idea that the work we are in the world found in the veins, which are helping others. In fact, as children we are not encouraged to follow our altruistic impulses?

The basic desire to help others, could be the simplicity, fairly easy in the field of medicine, no matter how. Artistic expression calls a vitality that we know affects others in a positive way. We bring "joy" to ourselves and others through our playful performances, visualRepresentations, and song, dance and music. Joy heals.

All around us we hear of athletes, actors, artists and singers to bring, to express themselves fully, to inspire the rest of us to stretch our own perceived limitations. This form of healing that people associate with their larger communities included, and was immediately recognized as the primary form of "treatment" available to the regular Joe or Josephina embraced.

Track Those of us, choose one or another form of medicine(Is not that interesting: Even I, after years of research into the wide world of medicine, yet automatically relate to things in the treatment of diseases and injuries as "medicine," only one aspect of healing! Indoctrinated) is an approach at first, almost entirely based on facts and figures and the storage of data, turns people into projects and looking for solutions that are designed for the masses not the individual.

In the world of "art"itself, early schooling for most is more about learning the boxes that we’re allowed to fit in to rather than seeking the full expression of the individual. So much of our so-called education is about the re-cycling of old information rather than an emphasis on the creation of something as yet unseen. Even worse, the career/economic paths they offer define the boxes that we are shuffled into.

But all this is only the start of an insidious process.

Economics typically into the picture once it is finished, the studies / indoctrination. For individuals, that they represented a significant proportion of their energy and attention must focus not on the individual or a task, but to provide such a service and benefit from it. The reason is that our modern education system requires that we take into debt claim. In essence, they have taken most of the actions in the pursuit of healing others, for struggling through the filter, theeconomic consequences at an early stage in the process, so that these seemingly incompatible elements are at the hip and color, what we do combined.

It is no wonder that so many talented and inspiring people to discover that their experience in their chosen profession less soul. What was once a call to a tool for economic support. Stability has suffered precedence over innovation and exploration. We are all lower.

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dr. Livingstone I Presume?

Dr. David Livingstone of Scotland, the great African missionary who narrowly escaped with his life in an Arab slave raid in the vicinity of Lake Victoria in the spring of 1871.

Survive with no supplies and only a few makers, he fought for the South to his portfolio in the Arab trading center of Uijiji on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika.

The desperate party, reduced to skeletons, come to see was their wares from the villain, had been sold in charge left so that it almost beggars amongStrangers. "

It is not surprising that Livingston fell into despair. "I felt," he wrote in his diary, "as if I'm the man who went from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves."

But when his mood had reached its nadir, a Good Samaritan was very close, according to an article in Harper's Monthly Magazine from March 1875. It was written by extensive, Livingstone's posthumous recordings.

On the morning of the 10th November 1871, his faithful servant, African, Susi,came running and gasped, "An Englishman! I see him coming," and darted off to meet him. Livingstone followed.

An American flag at the head of the approaching caravan revealed the stranger's true allegiance. Henry Stanley, a reporter for the New York Herald, stepped forward and extended his right hand, "Dr. Livingstone I presume?"

This taciturn greeting was so incongruous -- after hazardous thousand-mile treks by both men through uncharted jungles and swamps -- it has become a Classics of modesty.

Dr. Livingstone said: "You have brought me new life!"

* * *

David Livingstone was born in the small town Blayntyre in 1813. Like most other children there, with 10 years he worked as a tie-er in the cotton spinning mill of 6 clock until 8 clock in the evening attended by a brief dinner, he Children's Night School.

He studied hard, and appropriate age attended medical classes at Anderson's College in Glasgow. In the winter he has studied Greek at the University of Glasgowwhere he was (for licentiate licensed assistant) at the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons.

During his studies, he attended a lecture by Dr. Robert Moffat. The fellow Scot was on leave from a Christian Mission in Kuruman, 500 miles north of Cape Town, South Africa.

David was inspired by the description of "smoke of a thousand villages" in central Africa, where the Gospel and civilized commerce were unknown. He decided to become a missionary.

He joined Dr.Moffat in Cape Town under the auspices of the London Missionary Society. There he married Moffat's daughter, Mary. She bore him three sons and two daughters before moving to London to escape the devastating effects of malaria.

Livingstone to be severed relationship with the Missionary Society in 1857 accepted the position of the British consul at Quelimane. In this capacity, he has explored central Africa to a large extent on the rivers map. He believed that the key to civilized WaterwaysDevelopment.

The trade in slaves from the Arabs - and compliant African chiefs - was an "abomination," he tried to eliminate them.

During a visit to England to receive instructions for his consular functions, Livingstone was given the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh. In a speech, the shy witness recipients spoke about the evils of slavery:

"In the current back [to Africa] is my intention to try and get a permanent path into the central region, from which most of the slaves has always beendrawn. "Said Dr. Livingstone.

"The native is a slave driver to go into the country and run our factories. With just a few yards of material they buy slaves. Then, they take it to the coast. The people are so happy to get a little of our factories that, in return for them, they part with their own children not abducted, but with children from other tribes.

"I hope that I to make a path from the Zambezi River in the central country. Then, if we can deliver the peoplewith our goods to legitimate trade, I think we have a nice view slide a stop to the slave trade.

"We know that our country is highly dependent on the supply of cotton in the United States. So we have to rely on this material on slave labor.

"If we get sufficient supply of raw materials from Africa, we will soon find that the slave owners in America is more enlightened."

Ironically, and sadly, the Livingstone's eldest son, Robert,lost his life in the American Civil War.

While in England, Livingstone was persuaded to explore south of Lake Victoria to settle the "last geographical puzzle" about the Nile headwaters. As a byproduct of his missionary travels, he did determine that the largest lake in Africa was, indeed, the remotest source of the Nile and did not connect with Lake Tanganyika.

Slave References

Harper's Magazine in its article included many references by Livingstone to the slave trade during his African travels:

"Today we passed the body of a dead woman tied by her neck to a tree. The people of the country explained that she had been unable to keep up with the other slaves in a gang. Her master had determined that she should not recover to be the property of any one else.

"Others tied in a similar manner were seen farther on. There is a double purpose in these murders. The terror inspired in the minds of survivors They provide the incentive to endure the hardships of the march.

"One day, one of my people wandered from the party and came to a number of slaves with slave-yoke sticks. They were sick for lack of food and was left to the death. When found, they were too weak to speak . Some were only children.

"Our march for a portion of the road has been depopulated by a country. Locals differ on the cause. Some say slave wars and argue that the Makon from the vicinity of Mozambique a playimportant role. "

On another occasion, Livingstone said: "A company passed slaves, singing as if they do not reduce the weight and feel of the slave stick around his neck. When asked the cause of their merriment was told that they were glad to the idea of returning to the death and haunting and killing those they had sold into slavery.

"Their song was, 'Oh, you took me to the manga (the coast), but the yoke is off when I die. I come back to pursueand kill you. "Then everyone will be in the choir, in which the names of the individual dealer has been repeatedly connected. It tells of the joy, but of the bitterness and tears of the oppressed."

Upon reaching the area west of Lake Tanganyika, Livingstone asked: "The Arabs have an inkling of the huge quantities of ivory that could lay procured. Uijijian The hordes of dealers is likely to doom at the end of Tribe After Tribe of the slave trade and looting - as in so many otherRegions. "

Livingstone crossed the Lualaba in February 1871 and found a river to the other unknown. He called it "Lincoln" in honor of American presidents. Here he witnessed the massacre mentioned above.

Stanley's Voyage

Explore Livingstone Zambezi exploration - in which he reports, "" the mighty Victoria Falls - brought him worldwide fame.

Stitch-makers reported that hehad died. However, native travelers from the area said Dr. Livingstone was alive but ailing. He suffered malaria throughout his career. As he grew older, bouts with the mosquito-borne disease hit him harder and lasted longer. In his last years, his porters had to carry him on a litter.

Livingstone was not heard from for nearly three years. In New York City at this time, five newspapers fought for circulation. The Herald had a foreign correspondent named Henry Morton Stanley who had proved to be resourceful in reporting the war in Out-of-the way places.

The Herald publisher, in search of a sensational "scoop," said Stanley, organize an expedition and "Go Livingstone."

Stanley was born in Wales as John Rowlands. His parents died when he was just three years old. Little Johnny was placed in the poorhouse. He was a cheerful boy who was at the age of 13 ship as a cabin boy on a steamer to New Orleans. On arrival, a businessman and his passenger hasgave him his name.

Unfortunately, Stanley, Sr., died at the beginning of the American Civil War. Stanley, Jr., joined the Confederate Army and was captured shortly thereafter. He was discharged because of illness. Then he joined the U.S. Navy, where he was on an iron cannons. After the war he emigrated North Africa and the Middle East as a reporter.

To carry out his assignment Herald Stanley "192 winners and collect bales of goods, baths of tin (canned), huge kettles, cookingPots, tents, etc., "Livingstone wrote later in his diary:" This must be a luxury rather than a traveler at the end of his tether "as I am."

Use the following path blazed Livingstone, Stanley reached him Uijiji in seven months. The two men formed a deep friendship.

Stanley stayed with Dr. Livingstone for four months. During this time she made a native-canoe trip on the northern end of Lake Tanganyika, and determined there was no connection to Lake Victoria.

Stanley returned towas on the news that Dr. Livingston was alive, and ironically, and unfortunately contribute to the Livingstone's eldest son, Robert, lost his life in the American Civil War. committed to its exploration by circling Lake Tanganyika completed in the West.

Jacob Wainwright, with additional supplies and support, was dispatched from Stanley expedition, to strengthen Livingstone.

Dr. Livingstone, now old and weak, but was soon confined to his down throw dysentery. When the party reached theChief Chitambo village south of Lake Bangweulu, the famous missionary Ruhr deteriorated. He was placed on a makeshift bed in an empty hut.

On the following morning of the 1st May 1873, he was discovered dead - kneeling by his bed, his hands as if in prayer.

Susi and chumba, its oldest and most loyal companion African cut, Livingstone's heart and internal organs and buried them under a Mvula tree near where he died. Then they returned his body packed in salt to England to beby Wainwright.

Dr. Livingstone's remains reached London on April 18, 1874. A day of national mourning was declared, and he was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Stanley returned permanently to England, married, had two children, was elected to Parliament and knighted in 1899.

With thanks to Al Leonard, proprietor of All Books used and rare book emporium at Punta Gorda, FL who found the old Harper's Magazine for me.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Oil Field Jobs - Start Your Strong Career in Energy

If you are about taking an oil field job seriously, then it can now. The oil price rises and booming oil industry. However, this will not last for the rest of this century. Oil as an energy source is on the way out. It's a dirty job and the technology is part of the industrial age. From the use of renewable energy sources at the global level only a few decades, so that the benefits of free oil field jobs quickly.

Petroleum Company Browse employersthrough online personnel databases to find new recruits and experienced oil workers alike. They search for workers using specific search criteria such as location and level of experience. Workers looking for oil field jobs make use of industry databases by opening a free or paid account and uploading their personal information and job history. With a little luck, you might be next.

Petroleum workers looking for oil field jobs also check out the job directories of oil and gas companies. The companies list their phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses and you can get on the open positions. Employment information can also be found there.

Oil field jobs are generally high paying and challenging. Hundreds of people fill these types of positions in the oil industry each year. Even if you have no experience, you can start a career in this global energy industry. You can start at the bottom as an assistant and work your way up the ranks Until you manage your own team. You will be well paid for your hard work. If you're traveling, such as working or in the great outdoors, you can only love to do oil field jobs.

You do not want to live and work outdoors? No problem there, there are other oil field jobs, you can opt for. You can opt for an office job. The oil industry also needs people who have business and financial district to treat end. Crunching the numbers and doing the paperwork is completed and necessary, and you can create a> Careers in this type of position.

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There are some basic requirements you may have before applying for oil have jobs. This may include having a valid driver's license, first aid training and general knowledge of the petroleum industry.Perhaps you have read on the subject of oil exploration, extraction and refining. No use for a job you do not know.

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