วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Career Change Or Job Change?

The hit "Should I Stay or should I go?" of the rock group The Clash, is a question that many of us face key points in our careers. If you stay with what you once thought would be a rewarding career, or change your career in search of greener pastures? How do you respond to this dilemma culminating in a high-stakes decisions that affect your future career success.

Find your answer to this question can be a difficult and uncertain process.These are some of the questions, you can fight with those in the central time in your career:

* Do I have the wrong career choice?

* Is the company where I work the problem?

* Maybe I'm in the right profession, but I've been working too much?

* Has this chapter of my professional life just ended?

Whatever the cause is not the time to look for arbitrary decisions, or someone to take your decision. The best responses tothese questions come from within.

Again and again shown that it is rarely fulfilling careers guessing what to do next, or grasping for what happens, the opportunity to achieve to receive your resume the game. Starting with offers that kind of "outside-in" approach, a low probability of professional fulfillment.

The good news is that by increasing a systematic "Inside-Out" approach, the likelihood that your best career decision. My approach toSupport customers struggling with these issues begins with a guided self-study that illustrates the elements of your ideal career. Examples of the most important elements include parameters such as:

* Your natural gifts and talents

* What do you feel passionate about

* What kind of people who will be happy with, or for work

* Whether you are you own boss or work with a team

* Your unique skills and expertise

Once the list of unique keyElements is completed, we then compare the list with the elements in play in the current work. Your answer to the question "Should I stay or should I go?" This makes it clear, based on the results of this comparison. By using this systematic process to avoid guess, work, and the critical information you need to make your best decision.

Seth Kaufman, Psy.D., Certified Career Coach

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Homeschooling the College-Bound Student

The decision to homeschool your child while in high school, with an eye toward college a rewarding and challenging task. Here are a few things to consider:

Decisions to meet the requirements of College
One check will be your first choices, how you want to prepare your child for school. The choices usually involve using a portfolio or a roof / distance of the school. With the portfolio approach, you will be responsible for ensuring that all requirements forCollege entry have been met and the documentation of all work your child with the appropriate samples at a college admissions representative present.

There are several books and e-books available to prepare yourself impressive high school transcripts and portfolios. The other popular method is to provide a roof of the school or distance-Gymnasium, which use to monitor your child's academic progress and a certified copy is responsible. You should make sure that your distance programA national accreditation and good personal recommendations for your child.

Fulfillment of conditions
Each state has requirements for entry into state colleges or universities. If you believe that your child will probably go to one state in the school, then you need to know about it at the high school, how to meet these requirements are the homeschooling education. If your child has some special skills or interests that are not from your state university, then realizedYou need to the schools and speak one admissions representatives are looking early to determine what requires the specific university for entry into the school.

Most universities will also require that your child take the SAT or its equivalent for admission to college. However, there are some schools that is not this form of testing is needed. Prepare your child in time for the test, so it you get a good result achieved. Visit collegeboard.com obtain information and helpful advice onall tests for college-bound students. This site helps students examine universities, which may be a good match for them and discussed topics such as financial support.

Going Beyond the Basics
A high-school students will be taught at home, something that helps them to have a lot of candidates. One of the things that you and your child might want to consider include achieving college credit in high school yet. This is generally in the junior and senior years, doneHigh School through an open Admissions program at the local junior college or a university. You want to show your child receive honors level high school courses that accelerated learning and preparing for him, Advanced Placement (AP) have tests. Your child may be able to earn college credit on the basis of the AP score. Homeschoolers can opt for these tests at various locations along the test at a public school. AP prep books in different subject areas, see yourlocal bookstores.

Community Services
Every college-bound homeschoolers to do charitable work. This is true not only for their own good as citizens, but also because it is a distinguishing feature on a college application. College applications are normally ask you, all awards and honors that have been received list. Homeschoolers can win prizes, such as The Presidential Service Award, or the more demanding Congressional Award by the display in line public services inHigh school. Your child might also want to be a form of voluntary apprenticeship or internship wondering where they can learn about possible careers through mentoring with an expert in this field.

Development of interests and a sense of focus
Homeschoolers are often more focused on their professional goals, because they have more time at home, had to develop their interests. Make sure to focus your child the opportunity and to develop interests and abilities. Not every child willhave chosen to end their careers after graduation from high school, but interests can be safely developed and enhanced by things like travel, service work abroad and to promote school activities.

Challenge and Communication Technologies
Ask to do your homeschooler to work independently, think deeply concerned about the goals and keep communicating dreams and goals, even if they may not be the same ones you keep for the child. Indeed, as continued its high standards of schoolEducation, they will learn to be deeper and more willing to take the necessary work on the entrance to a university to make safer, consistent with their goals. Maybe they can even decide to continue with distance learning college as a whole.

There is real commitment and follow your child to reach the entrance to the school you want to help. Make sure that your financial plans for college are well thought through carefully. Research scholarships for outstanding students and apply tothem. There are many scholarships available that people are not aware of. Just ask. Prepare your child to do excellent academic work that employs meaningful service, and extracurricular activities so that he or she is both distinguished and well-focused on the task of the university and profession. Help your child's career exploration really make sense so that they continue to pursue to learn with zeal and consistency throughout their college years to makeand into adulthood.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Parents As Career Coaches

Parents Help us discover the gifts and the calling of God in our lives. Help parents, children and young people discover their vocational interests and the motivational gifts. Parents identify the steps and resources that are necessary in order to possess the qualities and talents that children and young people, develop.

Parents know that children and adolescents to the vocational interests, abilities, obtain skills and talents in seed form. These seeds will be on careers, jobs, tasks,Tasks or ministries. Then the gifts and talents profits, wages, production, and spiritual rewards are given joy to the children know that they are satisfied the professions that God placed on their lives.

The goal of a parent

A parent receives direction from Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 22:6 and 1 Peter 4:10.

Proverbs 22:6 train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

1 Peter 4:10 As every man hashas received a gift, so minister the same gift one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

Proverbs 18:16 A man, a gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.

To have the skills, learning interests, and motivational gifts, parents have many responsibilities:

Evaluate children and adolescents vocational interests, abilities, skills, beliefs and values.
Reach potential careers associated with them children and teenagers discover identified interests.
HelpChildren and young people choosing the appropriate post-secondary education and training.
Enter the resources to help children and young people to use their professional interests, abilities, skills, beliefs and values.
Understand the relationship between education, training and certain professions.
Adoption experiences, career, cognitive, emotional, to be fair, and behavioral goals.
Present information about current and future job market.
Introduction of problem-solving andDecision-making strategies and
Solve career issues, conflicts and concerns.

The steps to complete Career Exploration Process

Step One: Preliminary Assessment

Parents need access to computers, online or paper / pencil career assessments. From these assessments, acquire, parents, teenagers and children knowledge and understanding of our abilities, ambitions, abilities, identities, interests, goals in life, resources, skills and values.As part of this review will be time to assess parents of children and young people's readiness for career planning.

Gary W. Peterson and others of the Center for the Study of Technical Consulting and Career Development University Center, discussed the differences in available career planning. Children, teenagers and adults can be categorized as follows:


Resolved, still need a confirmation

Decided not know yet how the implementation of itsDecisions

Decided to prevent the election of a conflict or stress


Undecided with a deferred election

Not yet undecided in a position to undertake the development, a decision

Indecisive and incapable of taking a decision, because the individual is a multi-talent

Children, teenagers and adults transition from indecision, resolve, if they follow the steps in the career decision making and planning.

Step Two: Education and OccupationalExploration

Parents, children and young people gather information about:

Educational choices

The benefits of school performance

The economy and labor market


Certain professions and studies

Training opportunities

The relationship between work and learning

A positive attitude towards work and learning

Personal responsibility and good work habits

A typical day for aparticular profession

Career Exploration Systems

Step three: Problem solving

Parents, children and young people through vocational solve problems:

Identify educational and career planning obstacles

Creating solutions or alternatives

Clear goals

Resolution of conflicts and tensions

The obligation to one, to reach our God given potential

Problem should take into account personal values,Interests, abilities and financial resources. Big problems are broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. Achievable goals to lead to the production of new skills, attitudes, solutions, and educational and training opportunities.

Step Four: Goal Setting and Decision Making

As individuals, parents, children and adolescents:

Set formulate to priorities, objectives and rank

Of course state of our professional interests, skills and values

Derive plans orStrategies to implement the solutions

A commitment to the plans to completion

Understanding decision-making

Evaluate the first choice

Imagine a secondary occupation, if necessary

Decision-making processes are:

Development of learning and career plans

The identification of appropriate occupations

Selection of appropriate educational programs

Figuring the cost of pedagogical training

Given the impact ofprofessional decisions.

Step Five: Implementation

During the execution and implementation of our learning and career plans, parents, children and young people to implement vocational interests, abilities and skills into professional opportunities. Parents, children and young people to do reality testing through interviews with current employees, job shadowing, part-time employment, full-time employment and voluntary work. Parents, children and adolescents receive skill training, such as social skills,resume writing, networking and preparing for the interviews.

Career Planning Resources

To assess the gifts, talents and capabilities to be parents, children and young career resources. Career planning resources include books, videos, audio cassettes, games, workshops, self-assessment inventories, career exploration web sites, and computer-assisted career guidance programs. These resources are found in municipal libraries,Universities and resource centers.

The basis for the bulk of resources is the National Career Development Guidelines. In 1987, developed the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) The National Career Development Guidelines. The guidelines were in three areas: self-knowledge, educational and organizing work-exploration and career planning.

Self-consciously deals with our self-image, social skills, growth andDevelopment.
Educational and occupational exploration shows the relationships between education, occupation, career tips skills, job search, skills development, and the labor market.
Career planning involves self-assessment, career exploration, decision making, education, life role, objectives and implementation of a career.


We are all essentially different and special. But, God knows our gifts,Talents and abilities. God has chosen us for specific positions and tasks. Our profession should put the call of God in our lives. Our professionals represent the gifts given to us by God. Our destinies come from God. Help parents find kids and teenagers, God-given talents, abilities and interests, so that children and young people to fulfill God's purpose for their lives.

As parents, we use the prayer, the Word of God, books, videos, audio cassettes, games,Workshops, training manuals, self-assessment inventories, career Web sites, computer-assisted career guidance programs and resource center for helping us help our children, and adolescents.

Miller, Julia V. (1992) The National Career Development Guidelines, Eric Digest ED347493, ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Personnel Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Peterson, G., W., Sampson, J., P., Jr., Reardon, R., C., and Lenz, J., G. (1996) ACognitive Approach to Career Development and Services, Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development, University Center, Suite A4100, Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1035, http://www.fsu.edu/ ~ career / techcenter / html

วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Value Of Friendship - 7 Ways To Celebrate Life With An Attitude Of Gratitude

Do not forget to also Grown Ups Need to Come Out and Play!

Remember when you were a child and call your best friend or would you ride a bike to your house and together they would explore the area, go to the ice cream shop or play in the sprinkler? As life moves forward and the people as they age, it is easy to forget the importance of surrounding himself with real friends. The personal reflection and changes in men and women in midlife experience often shows that work andhave family responsibilities, darkened building and maintaining important to make friends and take the time just go and play. One of the keys to living an extraordinary life is to know it's never too late to be a friend a call, and take off for some spontaneous fun.

The Power of Friendship, Exploration and Self Discovery

Anaiis Nin once said: "Every friend is a world in us, a world of possibilities not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meetingthat a new world is born. "We all want to connect with others in touch, to feel truly seen and heard, and for our true selves honored to belong to a community, a family. We want to give and receive love. It starts with how we show how we choose to nurture the connections in our lives, and what our purpose is. As with all things in life, if our commitment is to lead an extraordinary life and we feel a lack of connection with others, then we have an opportunity to make new friends and to create or toReviving old ones.

Women Empowering Women: 7 easy ways to cultivate close friendships

1. Celebrate a new life in an attitude of gratitude. Express greater appreciation for others and to creative possibilities. Place a loving note under her pillow, wash and wax their car, or take her out for dessert.

2. Make a list of personal goals to facilitate training, meet new people. Step into the world in a way that offers new opportunities to connectwith people who share your interests or hobbies. Visit prefers the personal development, take a class you've always wanted, or join a club.

3. On your journey of self-discovery will, complete with all the people in your life. Is there anything left unsaid, some talks way overdue? If so, show themselves as your best self, and honor your relationship with honesty and care by more fully on all fronts.

4. Search, guides, mentors and angels that support the exploration andSelf-discovery. Based on project for people, the sincerity and happiness, and whose lives serve as a beacon for inspired living. Learning from others in life is essential. Hire a personal coach or start career coaching services. Meet with your pastor to interact with experts in your field of interest or a group inspired by women, the empowerment of women.

5. Exercise your smile muscles. A warm smile serves as an invitation to others and is a gift you can give freely. OneExercise is the following game: make a point of smiling every time you turn on your caller on the phone. It really shifts your energy and the energy of the person at the other end of the line.

6. Take time to read the day about people who lead an extraordinary life. What can you learn to live with their stories about gratitude and creative?

7. Create a massively awesome support network of people and start a Grateful For-You-campaign. Who is on your team: a fabulouspersonal life coach, a gentle massage therapist or a professional colleague, who welcomes your calls and inquiries? Identify your support team and enable the reader you know we are honored to know them and the people you cherish, maintain that surround you, and who inspire you to the best of what you can.

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Thinking of a Career in Interior Architecture Design?

Interior design is a bridge between architecture and interior design. It provides professionals with the right knowledge about the development of structures and the importance and understanding of load-bearing walls. The fields of interior design and interior design are very similar. Some refer to the two fields a call and Interior Architecture Design.

Can not call interior design professionals in the United States, itself aInterior designer, if they are to the educational needs finished, have a fully licensed architect. The actual definition of the interior is a program that people on the architectural principles in the design of the interior structural life, recreational use and for business purposes, prepared to function as a professional interior designer. These include teaching in the architecture of the heating and cooling systems, occupational and safety standards, interiorDesign, specific end-use applications, structural system design and professional obligations and standards.

If you are interested in a career in interior design field, there are many ways to the emerging designers, whether they want to attend a college or university, or find the online classroom. These courses of the program, the connections and similarities between the interior design and architecture. Interior design programs require you to develop creative ideas forwith the help of satellites and reinvent how to design buildings. Some areas of study include the conceptual design and creativity of the philosophy and the theory behind the design plus the latest technology used for the interior.

People can expect an education in interior design or interior design, a wide range of skills including the use of CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) to develop software, video and photography. Other skills will be in the studio to develop the use ofModels such as the construction of the models.

Interior design interior design programs prepare students for technological, cultural and environmental issues. Students who will attend a studio class taught in workshops, lectures and seminars.

Here are some basic courses of interior design student is in the first year of study:

• Design Visual Thinking

• Materials and Construction

• History and Theory ofDesign

• Introduction to Interior Architecture and Design

• Making Design Ideas

• Design and Spatial Studies

• Design, Context and Process

• Structures, Environment and Sustainability

In the second year of the study of interior design, the student will study the following modules:

• Communication and Participation

• Design exploration

• Design Proposition

• InteriorEnvironments

• Modern Architecture

• Interior Environments

• Tectonics and realization

These are very in depth courses to prepare for the interior design student for the real world situations. In the third year, students can expect that the following topics:

• Design Research and Proposition

• History Dissertation

• Design Resolution

• Placement

Internships can be in any interior designDesign area, which leads to entry-level designers. Professional internship is an excellent opportunity that can pave the way to a successful career in interior design. As an internship is considered to be the bridge from school to career employment.

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