วันเสาร์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acing the interview: The positive approach to difficult questions

 A career as a consultant, I work with clients all the tools and techniques necessary to succeed in finding a job - including skills. One thing I have noticed in recent years is that candidates often "locked" in the things that mean something bad or not (which usually leads to a rejection). Indeed, the work soleilicitanje not even aware of negativohombrey ffects and their responses to interviews with you! So educate all my clients to "never say anything negative or something that could be interpreted as a bad thing!" Applicants are invited to meet in May to explain all your answers in a positive (or at least neutral) terms.

 Below are the most frequently asked questions, and the approach proposed Parets answers. It is important that candidates for the practice of these answers, you can manage andfficaciadi all cases.

 Why do you work here? How can you help us? Why are you interested?
 The answer is always based on the information you've already studied the company and its needs.

 If you choose someone for this job, what kind of person you choose?
 The answer is that dansGlobally general, the qualifications of its own, not too clear. "Let the details.

 If you could have a job that we want this company?
 Answer has to do conla  more general description of the job - not a specific title.

 What differences do you have for this job?
 TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! The answer is to think for a moment, then says it can not think of jeopardizing their May geperforeerdermances shortcomings in this work, or, at the expense of performance of work responsibilities.

 What do you hope to achieve in this business who do not have current or previous job?
 TRAP QUESTION. Do not say anything negative. Sfacilitar attualege or previous jobs have met or exceeded expectations. With the new feature, which we hope to have wider powers and more contributions.

 How do you see your aveniravenir here?
 I expect to contribute to a higher level and have a greater responsibility over time.

 You are given another position at this time?
 TRAP QUESTION. Suffice it to say "yes."

 How does this opportunity?
 From what I've heard so far, molnice to ... I gustaríaaprender more.

 What other business opportunities and seek now?
 I am sure that, as you can see I vrijom say that I am still conversationation with these companies. I have to protect your privacy, and his company in similar circumstances.

 What are the short and long term?
 Short Range: To ensure a good position where I can see my skills and experience to improve productivity and profitability.
 Long Range: máslidad assume responsabilitàEid and contribute over time to my employer.

 DatIs what motivates you?
 Concentrern response and its fundamental values, but also the values and priorities of society is the interview with (the one in your preliminary research).

 What have you done over the last few years?
 Talking about professional development, training programs, training programs in their field of study, vocational training, to readbooks, etc..

 Comte spend your free time?
 Say ITES harmless, apolitical and security. (lecture, exercise, travel, home projects, gardening, family activities, home, etc.)

 Tell me about your health.
 My health is excellent.

 If I could last 15 years, changes are made?
 Nothing is perfect, but overall I would say that I am very happy with the way my life and career have been drawn up - would nieteen big changes.

  Tell me about your biggest disappointment and successiinvidia.
 Give a personal example (such as a spouse and marriage, and get to school and the Graduate School, or store them on your first home purchase, etc.). Then your best story of professional success. In terms of disappointment, a reaction similar to the previous one, which means that "in general I can say that I greatly uurux how my life and career are the development, so I can not really think of principalcepcionartos.

 What do the best / least about your last job?
 TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! Explain what you want. So to say that even if each job has its challenges, has had the opportunity to learn and grow professionally within each of the positions that are held.

 In its last inchste, more work is done alone, and how, as part of a team? Whether you hate the most?
 Speaking in terms of suitableflexibiliteet ability - your ability to lavorareil similar to the situation. Was defined as effective as a team or independently, as each individual case. This exercise is more about what works best for the project and the society at that time.

 What are some problems, the most difficult problems in his previous job? How to solve?
 Tell prepared to create two or more stories. Stay positive!

 Have you ever make suggestions to management? Chand what happened?
 Say "yes." Tell a well pochiraggiungere success and results, including a positive impact on operations.

 In his previous job (s), what does the administration have done to make them work better alswerknemer?
 TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! To say that the employer is very good at providing the resources and support of its position and has no claim on it.

 What is considered faster and further in your career?
  TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! Status: "I do not know cosapuò give the impression that I was satisfied with the progress and pace of my career. I am very satisfied with my career at this point in my life. I am ready for greater challenges.

 What should I know?
 Tell one or two of his best successes. You can also repetercomment you think you are appropriate, and the manner in which they are interested in the job.

 Contaracerca the best / worst headyou've ever had.
 TRAP QUESTION: Never state anything negative! Sedgen any animal is different, having worked effectively learned something from each. (Be prepared to give some examples of what they have learned.)

 Everyone loves to criticize. What do you criticize?
 TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! To say that you can not think of who has received criticism from colleagues. Sure, cocks development - as if their supervisors have the "official review" and notThere was a suggestion for improvement. The State hat ever these suggestions seriously and have taken measures for improvement that have been requested, which was stronger, as a professional. (Cette Make at least one example).

 Everyone has Peev animal. What are your?
 TRAP QUESTION. Never anything negative! To work around this issue, talking about their high professional level. Their only "pet food scandal" with you - and it is not difficile accept mediocrity, for example - or how they are still trying to reach hun full potential at work, etc.

 What is your leadership style?
 Speaking in terms of flexibility and adaptabiliteDad - his ability to drive yet, it seems appropriate to the situation. He explained that it is more of what works best for the project and the society at that time. An example or two, including the different styles of leadership, their implementation stories.

 Six geographiquement mobile phone? (o) Are you ready for a long period?
 Request for clarification-What does the interviewer say? Then, depending on their repo esta, or say, "there would be no problem," or say "you want to give thought and return to them within 24 hours."

 Do not have the experience and the basis of this position. How?
 Say you confused with your answer, you are sure that you Avez experience and background to this position and that you have a strong responsibilityilit. Do what it refers specifically to leursur their achtergrosecondo, what is lacking in your experience? (Sometimes the interviewer is testing you.) Re-statement of their qualifications, as appropriate, their relationship to the requirements of the employer stories.

 Sobrecalificada you for this position, right? (eIncluso if you are a little 'too)
 Status: No - I see that many problems dezeTTE opportunity, and I am sure that you very interesting. Some examples of what  she says, and if diresur new dimensions of experience and skills that negt the position, almost as if the increase in the level of contribution to this work, is more than what it is today.

 We have all the information we need. We will contact you.
 Take the initiative. Ask questions like: "Where am I? I was considered an ideal candidate? When can we expect to hear from you, if you prefer that I contact you within a day or duand, which is the deadline for a final decision? There is something that can process more simple? "Then, Etc. is your strong interest in the work and the trust that was his experience is an ideal for the job.

 Finally, we recommend to prepare for interviews and the study of the practice referred to above. Get help with a "role play" in which your friend can interview eted plays the role of the candidate. You can use your fear, increase your confidence and prestions much better if we know beforehand that your line! And remember - never say anything negative in an interview!


 Reprint of this article can be reproduced subject to the condition that this aplijkt in its entirety with the following locations: ฉ Copyright 2006, R. Ford and Myers career, LLC.


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