วันพุธที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 Protect the fire in the kitchen favorite

 Each office has two types of people, a group that works hard, but I did not know and one that immediately comes to mind. The second type are those who firmly at the forefront of all activities. Professional success is simply hard work, qualified, meeting crazy deadlines, and laborious. To really succeed you need the recognition of the head.

 Remind the head is necessary:

 1. Seises vriendelijk and pleasant. Have a good what about those that ooze a smile and good manners and an attitude maintenance. Not being aggressive and hard travel over other footwear, or subjective.

 2nd Refrain from gossip. It's one thing that life unpleasant. You know what happens in the office, but the discussion or the distribution of things, however, may be tempted.

 3rd Update your skills and knowledge. The world today must be taken quickly and Zich intoaccount thetechnical innovations and global trends. All efforts are in order before the development of their work.

 4 Efficient in their work and the facts and figures on the tip of your finger. Always prepare for meetings and a vision and can make suggestions for action. When it comes, must be "pearls of wisdom."

 5 Practice the art of hetLuisteren. Analyze what others know and can tell you. Absorb knowledge as unaspugna. Never einschvostro ränkenSie department. Worth more functions of the organization.

 6. A leader in all aspects. Be the first to take on additional functions to another staff member when they have problems, give a hand, as a group working on a deadline. Valuable suggestions. Let people know they can count ualles.

 7 Respect for and enforcement of the rules of the office. Be regulated and the dissemination of culture iedereen otherwise.

 8 Alwaysin control, never spoke to appear. Celebrate the life and work ever a relationship with a colleague or superior. Clothing and everyday life and are high.

 9 Be organized and methodical in his work. Using the methods of presentation that anyone can use if not in all departments must be able to edit documents. Keep clean working, the file correctly. The smooth operation of the device so that in any case, your trabajok peloss. Disasters should be taken.
 10th Hey, elegant and affordable. If you want good and smell good very good personal habits are always welcome. Breath mints in his pocket to bring a new Täschentuch. Keep a money-shirts on hand for emergencies.

 It takes more than talent to impress the head. Back to the race for success.

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