วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 tips to resign from his job with professionalism and pride

Congratulations! You've just received an offer for an excellent job. There is only one prize. If I have to say well with your current employer.

Maybe he loved his work and deal with the emotion of farewell. Or maybe he hated every minute and was counting the days until you can exit the last door.

Customers often do not admit that the idea sonorveux to proceed with the announcedrelease. They fear the boss is angry. They feel guilty about the work he leaves behind. Perhaps someone should take responsibility for some 'time.

But customers are asking to resign as grace even protect their own long career interests. Suspected style starting on their careers, long

They are right.

Here are guidelines alcunis to go to the next position with grace and stylelo.

1. Give the correct amount of notice required by vostra written policy.

Clientelats Sometimes I feel sorry for his former colleagues. With a week (or month). Inevitably, one begins to feel like a fifth wheel. Almost everyone says: "The next time you immediately!"

2nd After you leave, do not accept any job, for calls voessere stops, unless you have a written contract of collaborationnsultoría.

Its head of two weeks - but four weeks later, which requires a transitionsmooth to his successor.

His head has made a business decision to require two weeks. When miscalculates, must accept the costs and had to accept the fact that the cost of delays in payments to suppliers.

If your company needs extra help, the offer of work as a consultant with a contract paye. But after writing and all sure that your new job becomes your number one priority.

3rd Study your current and future of socIETA policies and information on the non-compete.

Some companies are very process of their property and their persons. Once you resign, you can immediately leave the workplace. Or the new company you can not ask to work for unncien employer, even part-time.

4th Give your boss in person, if possible, e.

This is the second best. It said the head before you tell anyone - even your best friend or golfing.

5th Wait for your boss to be professional.

Customers are often afraid of the reaction of the head. However, employers are rarely taken by surprise. Good bosses are happy to see their employees to come. Thank you for the opportunity to learn what led to suna splendid career.

6. Thanks to his master and his co-trabl'ail, even if you hate everyone and can not wait to leave.

There most affected by a fog of memorya dazzling light of the desk. What can be found in the networking of groups and conventions. And the more that will benefit from the goodwill and strong references.

7th Refuse an offer of contract.

Employers always say: "Sixty percent of those here to accept counter-offer was six months." If you decide to stay, get a written contract of employment.

Exception: certain companies and industries actually demand proof from the outside before proposing any internal or to increase the reward. Academics, often working in this environment.

8th Treat the outset as a business, not a therapy session.

When a professional human resource wondered why all voiez be optimistic and positive "Good luck". Talking about how he liked the company and its work. You never know if your comment is this, broken and poorly interpreted.

9th Resist prayers to share detailedthe future of his position with anyone.

Occasionally, a colleague will try to assess your salary or other information so that we can remain competitive in recruitment. "Helping your company RECRUTEMENT is not part of your work and in any case, she really cries that?

Details of your future work should remain confidential, even for friends of the company.

10th Focus on new opportunities - not your past expeience.

Once is done, you're history. The same people who loved the breakfast meeting will remember your name just one week later.

And if you have not changed jobs for a certoin in May in an accident. His first day in a new location can be a real revelation!

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