วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do you know where your career going?

Not sure where your career goes? How can the same company for life is rare, more and more people are not sure. If you have any of them, then maybe it's time to time, sit down and have an opinion.

 Too often that you find in their work through a series of coincidences, each of you a little farther from where you are going to go, if Shijo started. It 's just a big gap between the orbits dcioèlas people and the jobs they wanted. Nobody wants to work on paper, but someone has to. Once you have a couple of years, suddenly realize that the only way, on both sides in a similar position elsewhere, or advance in the hierarchy and a senior manager.

 So what. The answer is a definitive answer to this meist difficult questions: What do you do five years? Ten? Twenty? If the answer is not what I set "or" I want uNo high-level manager ", they are is that you need drastic measures.

 What I do not know is that building a career is not as difficult as you might think. If you are free from the daily struggle to survive on the resources for a year or so, and keep, the ground is something symbolic strengthen "a time in which to work. Whatever your goal is to improve the chances of a entry-level work or some diamatori is an enthusiastic community.

 If this realmbetween what I wanted to do everything in his life, should be as simple as the first steps and notes. And if it does not work, there are other jobs that remain. If you succeed or not, it is best to try and not difficult to do what you think. Take the leap.

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