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Young Professionals - Can You Handle the Truth? 10 Tips About Careers (That Nobody Ever Tells You)

Yikes! Hey students and young professionals, the job prospects in this year for entry-level positions are not as good.

Thus, the following tips for students and young graduates (all 2.5 + M of you) who are not afraid to hear the hard truth about the American workplace. You may not like what you read, but if you want to see real progress and work that makes you happy, then you must put the head on the reality. Consider it as a paper cut - you can either correct for the care, so that it nowor you can ignore only to wake up and it infected. What will you do? I work with hundreds of professionals who are always telling me the same thing: "I wish I had these tips when starting, I know." So please, do not ignore the facts. A start-up for a better future is for those who heed these tips - guaranteed.

Tip 1: You are giving the best-educated generation in the workforce, but you will be prepared also seen as the least. Do not be blind-sided by your generationprofessional reality.

Your generation, Generation NEXT (also known as Gen Y and Millennials) is the largest and best-educated generation of employment in U.S. history to give (over 70% plan, received bachelor's degree and plan another 40%, higher receive diplomas). Unfortunately they are also seen as professionally immature and a major challenge at work. How could this happen? A little historical perspective helps to explain ...

Many years ago, always a degree was a privilege anddone with the intent. If you're lucky, go to college, you knew what you were studying and what would be your career before it even starts. They expect could be a good starting salary and a bright financial future. You could also have a lifetime of employment and include many of the professional development of a single company. A golden clock and a retirement package were often the reward for our loyal years of service.

Fast forward to today: There are thousands of universities and whowants to go to achieve something. To a degree is not, you get a "leg", it allows you to just 'step up' for career development starting line. Inflation has surpassed initial salaries, and the average student graduates $ 17 + K debt, but without the professional experience and focus of those who graduated years ago. No fewer than 4 in 5 students move back home after school because they live can not afford to rely on their own. In short, a college degree has become more expensive - butthe return on investments has fallen significantly.

Tip 2: The other generations in the workforce do not have much sympathy for your situation. They are mistaken as lazy, entitled and arrogant perceived. Not verify these beliefs by ignoring their concerns, but instead work to overcome them.

The other generations in the workforce do you think deserve some "tough love". They are frustrated by your attitude at work. The generations before you worked hard, paidtheir contributions in jobs that they do not enjoy it, and now want respect for their professional battle scars. Many of them had for the school itself and not the ability or time to a career they could get paid thrilled to be identified. The pressure to pay the bills and forced them on their own, pushed their job satisfaction on the back burner. Well, they do not appreciate you or criticize them against the established workplace. These measures will have been collected ason-the-job training. And while no one expects you to follow in their footsteps, you need to recognize that job training is crucial for developing their own skills and abilities. We do not run until we get to on foot, right? So it is time to consider that you are not your views and opinions on the job is complete, yet to be cultivated. Before discussing how a situation should be improved in the workplace, take the time to seek the perspectives of different generations of people who are there beforeThey try and understand their perspective on things. The best people know how to "manage up to." Ie, coaching the top you get to the desired result. The first and most important rule in coaching is, "Ask, Do not Tell." If you want to change a person view, you must broaden their perspective by questions that you may provide a more comprehensive understanding of their position are available.

Here there is something to note: "Generation Next" is known ascompassionate and socially responsible. They are about the world and take care of the worry about you. So why not the generations about you in your efforts to create a better world? Share with them your ideas and output enthusiasm, but respect their knowledge and their time in the trenches. Evaluate your thoughts and think carefully about how you give yourself on-the-job training. Your opinions are not important, but only listen to when you're in a way that you want to connect them to articulateto influence. Learn to speak their language, and be all ears on you.

Tip # 3: DO NOT road trip, backpack, or "one years ago," without thinking about your career first. Those who play to delay paying often!

As graduation approaches to thinking, many students feel the pressure of career and, "I have done everything expected of me, and now I deserve to do something for me." However worthwhile without at least the organization of your plans for the career before yougo to search at the beginning of a job when you return more difficult. Here are some statistics to consider: How to land an entry-level job after school (from beginning to end) on average at least two months. The process of finding employment opportunity to go beyond the interviews, the receipt and acceptance of job offer, and then the work begins, take all for some time. It is easier to control this process, if you are close to resources (eg, campus career center) and a network of colleagues who are in the middleFind work, too. Too often, college graduates make careers out of their homework until they are ready to have fun. They return home and help himself suddenly alone and without the support of their friends and school to get them. Add in the potential pressure from the parents over the shoulder, you can search for information about your progress, and a job very overwhelming. I once had a bad father call me about my services for his son to ask, because in his own words: "My son justReturn from a 7-month road trip fun for me to find out that he no idea of what he wants to do, or whatever you can find a job. What I've spent $ 80K on a college education for ?!?!" This father-son relationship was very strained, and much of my time coaching this new grad school was spent to beat him to stop himself for not stuck responsibility for its future. Not in this position. You must consider the consequences of your actions.

But if this is not enoughReason to focus on your career goals before you send you're going to focus, consider the following games: Opting than looking for a job, unlike a clear message to employers about your professional priorities. Here is a true story, I spoke with a manager of a successful consulting practice last March, the looking for an internship. She had just finished interviewing a young woman who had last May and had opted for a job as a bartender, because in their own words attack, "I do not know whatwanted to do, and was not ready for a real job. "The young woman had the manager impressed with their energy and their appearance was with the inability of the young woman to convey, clearly concerned, how and why she was now ready to undertake a full commitment - time, professional position. The customer decided to not to this degree distribution and said to me: "I think I would prefer to wait two more months and get an internship at the upcoming graduating class. In this way, I'm the person who I know has to work to rent a sense of urgency and besuccessful. "

Actions speak louder than words, so choose carefully what you are after graduation. The best way to enjoy taking time off after college is to ensure that your training schedule is in order before you go. And if you back and start looking for a job, do not forget to take what you are about themselves, have learned during your post-college adventures and how you want to use the knowledge in your career.

Tip 4: More degrees do not mean more money! If youNot sure what to do next, the last thing you should do to stay in school.

Several years ago I was at a meeting with a group of college seniors. I walked through the room and asked each participant what they thought after studying to do. How I came to a young man, confident to the point of cocky appeared, his response was: "I'm planning to study law, get my MBA, or take a masters in education." Since it was April and the end of the season was a month away, I wasvery surprised. So I asked him: "Why Law School?" His answer was a nervous "around, tinted to" defensive by: "Because I think I could it like this." Needless to say, six months later, he was looking for career coaching. He had graduated, had no idea what he really wanted to do, nor how to find the answer. I believe that many college graduates are like this young man. They believe that education is a safe bet. His multi-faceted response months earlier had advocated that each make has beenimpressed, while he secretly about what to do next to confusion. I'm just glad that he did not force them to go to school in order to save face! Going back to school to go down without a financially sound basis, is a risky investment. Advance degree only offer opportunities for advancement, if they do set the option of a specific skill for a particular job / career field. Do not go back to school, if you are 100% sure that you use what you learn to make progress on are. Better still, the work fora company who pay for it. Do not believe me? Then consider these facts: Some studies suggest as many as half of the people who never have advanced degrees, the financial return on their educational investment, while another survey shows about 40% of all trades in advance at the end of jobs that they had received no additional degrees.

Tip 5: Do not give up on Cinderella Syndrome. The sooner you break your addiction to acceptance, praise, grades, rewards andother bribes, the sooner you find personally satisfying work that is professionally rewarding.

Many Americans, especially boys who are victims of Cinderella syndrome. The idea that will one day come a surprising event and resolve their situation. For example, those that are heavily in debt dream of winning the lottery, getting an inheritance, marriage, or even a rich person. Others, who conceive of the dream of professional success, used the "perfect" opportunity to ultimately fall intotheir way and their use for recording. The number of people aged 14 to 28 who believe that she is finally famous and successful breathtaking. And why not? Reality TV and sensory onslaught of marketing images tell them that they can have it and that they are all destined for greatness.

Well, here is the real problem: "Generation Next" is built on the use of external incentives as a way to raise to do these things. Focused on a price for everything youdo, many are now Gen NeXT rewards, praise and recognition of others depend. But we both know, an incentive is a nice word for "bribe." And if people are forced to repay the expectations of others in bribes to be fair by them in the least effort to achieve the goal. Do not believe me? Then you throw a title Alfie Kohn, Punished "by Rewards: The problems with golden stars, A's, Praise and Other Bribes," and you'll soon understand why so little effortIn order to identify a career while in school today. The average student only goal is the piece of paper needed to get others to keep happy. In fact, students are encouraged to keep their options open and to the interests of their careers after graduation address. Unfortunately, this is with sad results. Some say that today's college grad will have no fewer than 10 jobs in the first ten years of her life - you will always be eternal job seekers who do not receive theBenefits of mentoring and professional development through job-hopping. And has a career as a coach, a college grad's customer base tripled in the last year alone, I can tell, your confidence is undermined, since floating around, trying desperately to find career satisfaction, but instead felt like a personal failure. But worst of all, does your income potential. As a specialist is what you earn more potential. The better one is on a specific skills thatmore sought after you will be. However, years of career exploration, without charge to developing critical thinking skills, which may eventually result as professional strengths in the "Jack of all trades, master of none persona 'are used. The story begins to repeat itself, the very generation that finish the job crisis and find the work-balance ends up confused and lacking the necessary experience to take control wants. On-Set Career Crisis(the same anger, depression and anxiety felt by Mid-career Crisis individuals, but in the first phase of the careers) increases at "Generation Next".

So, why do not more students simply choose a profession and go? Well, given the number of career choices today and given the lack of orientation, so that it is using its strengths and its narrow interests, "Generation Next" will find themselves ill-equipped to identify and to embark on asatisfying career. Make placed into a supermarket and told Booth "here, and without reading the labels, you can also have a kitchen. But choose wisely, because you have to be, they eat every day for the next three years, and now you will get sense of what it is, a college grad now looking for their first job. And do not let us forget that reality TV and has dipped into the On-Demand, Instant Gratification Generation Era Their feeling the greatest amount of pressure, Success at a young age in history. It is no wonder why, no matter how you spell it, "career" a four-letter word Gen NEXT.

So, what's the solution? Go out and find what you are looking to create, then the plan to happen for themselves. I guarantee you will get their faster (and have more fun) process, then your colleagues choose to wait for Prince Charming. "Generation Next" to begin by leveraging their experience as professional students. It is time for your approach> Career as a thesis. Find resources and do your homework. Setting up informational interviews and talk with people you respect professionally. Get the facts so that you are on a two-year plan is the professional development that includes the development of a skill set in a particular sector focus, which excites you. You are not making a life and death decision, or a long term commitment, but you have to do to identify a smart, short-term professional goal and go after it. A career isfull of twists and turns, but to decide on the street without at least get some objective in mind, you lost, not to mention taken valuable time and resources.

Tip 6: Do you have a career story? If not, then plan to seek a longer, more stressful job.

Want to impress hiring managers? Then you must be able to articulate your professional strengths and short-term professional goals in 30 seconds or less. This is called "Career Story 'and the more it imperativeis, the better the chances are you will be terminated. Whether he likes it or not, you have to "sell" your services, if for a job. They must therefore reflect on your situation, evaluate themselves, and then along a short summary about the kind of people you are and what you achieve professionally in the near future. The key to a great career story is simple: honest, be authentic, but above all, it is worth hiring! I have my clients write their career story and share it with youseveral professionals to respect it. Here are the feedback and integrate them into the story so they can rehearse and commit it to memory. I'm not suggesting that it play out like a line from a startled, but not learned, to the point that they are easy to articulate and entertain. A strong story career speaks volumes about your knowledge of yourself and your desire for professional success. Personnel managers hire people who will, as they can contribute the value of their business knowledgeTag. They sell parts to be with them as a valued asset and the task it is.

Tip # 7: Spray-and-pray job for people who are ready for this, pay was available. Get active, create a network and gain access to the hot and preserve jobs, no one knows.

The average job seeker has to send over 100 entries to receive even a reply. The automation of the job has flooded hiring managers with so much paper, they are forced to be aggressivein their 'elimination' methods. A simple typographical error or an odd formatting of your resume you can in the "no" pile to land in a second. Frustrating, but true. And not when you make your resume in the "pile for consideration" know this: Managers hire people, but an applicant's personality is greatly reduced and often misinterpreted if limited for the placement of a single piece of paper. FACT: 93% of communication is nonverbal. This means that you have your CV in itself, a limited ability toto present effectively. If you want to find a good job, you need to connect "live" with people who can assess your potential and guide you on the right opportunities.

How can this be done? Setting up informational interviews with people in companies and in the positions that interest you. They are not a job, but collects data about how a job like hers country. This is the best way to build your first professional and business network. Some statistics say as many as 80% of theOrders will be filled by transfer. Who will relate to you? If you're shy or how you feel the survey would have on these people, allow me to change the perspective: What person would not want to discuss a few minutes of your day, as she has become successful? In addition, experienced professionals know the value of making connections. Who knows? Referring to a job she can help in their own careers, a few days. So, you can get your career story in good form and start sharing it with theWorld. Get busy setting up the opportunity to work with people who you can share know-how and knowledge with you to fulfill. And soon you will get the right path into the inside track on those jobs to masters, who never posted, also known as the good guys!

Tip 8: A great mentor is made much more valuable than a good job.

Diminishes the enthusiasm for each new job over the years, but the relationship with the right manager can give you, called into question, and the fast track to success. In the search fora job, the view of managers. Can you learn a lot from him / her? What is your career story? How they got in their situation and what you can by them to win in their care? Above all, you can be comfortable enough to take critical feedback from them and share your professional interests with them? Here's another reason for a job on the manager is chosen. Often refer to "office politics" at work. They are everywhere. It isonly natural that an environment of multiple personalities, conflicts and disagreements. Thus, his office politics are always there. A large part of the success of on-the-job boils down to who you know and how you can use this policy. Looking for a Manager, to respect you and are willing to take leadership to help you interpret these policies and rise in an organization.

TIP # 9: Want to quantum leap in your career then you learn a lot with the three C's ... now!

YourGeneration is copyrighted and through positive reinforcement throughout your life by encouraging well-intentioned parents, who wanted to get your risk of pain, failure to minimize differences, and other negative experiences. The "Everyone gets a trophy" and "They're all special" mantra you heard were meant to build trust, but this parenting approach had the disadvantage of not allowing you to "skin their knees" and build your ability to cope with the emotional management implications of the three C's:Conflict, criticism and disappointment. Here's what you know by this point: it is necessary in your career to be successful, and more importantly, in life, you must a) work through intense conflict situations, receive B) and to internalize criticism and C) accept that you cause disappointment, because you just can not all the time.

How do you prepare to meet with these successfully. Begin with a focus on who you are and how you wantothers to recognize you. Define your personal and professional goals on your own terms, not someone else, and then after what they want to know the reward for overcoming the "Cs" of this encounter on the road will only serve to better you. It is time to develop your critical skills in these areas. Ask any successful professional as they come, where they are today, and they will confirm that in building up your resistance to the 3C is the key.

TIP # 10: Embrace of the equation used byprofessionally satisfied people in the world.

I have successfully worked with hundreds of people who were professional, but personally unhappy. In fact, I was once even a. So I ask someone who knows someone like this consider the following: "Can you really call career" success "if it costs you a happy life?" I quickly realized that there is something wrong in our current professional logic. So I researched the situation and learned that no other culture in thethe world is how much weight to the career as the defining element of their personal values than America. We rely a lot of important decisions affecting the life of our ability to answer the question: "What will you do?" For better or worse, we are a society that values individuals and determines how much respect we give to a person on what they consider the work of the foundation. Nevertheless, I challenge you to ask yourself, get to know the next time someone professionally successful, "are, but it seems successfullyLife? "

So, as you career satisfaction and a successful life? They embrace and pursue your career with the following equation as the basis of what you do: grow EXPERIENCE = = learn. Satisfaction is caused by growth. Growth occurs when we learn. Learning comes from the experience. Find things that you get, "the moment" experience can be lost, and you will work to find the work not like the feeling. People who love what they tell you that they do not wake upevery day and look forward to "experience" that has their career in order to offer them. Proactively seek out opportunities to learn on-the-job and you will grow to new levels of success and satisfaction. Grateful for the opportunity to work creatively in your ability to engage in it, and especially enthusiastic about your ability to expand your knowledge through experience, and a career that will sell fulfilled.

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