วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Concentration vs Distraction

Questions are big distractions defeat concentration

What students today spend more time in front of the TV screen (plus video games),
than your generation?

This question should raise other questions in mind, not just a statistical
Answer. Smart-leading questions that you are looking to explore () for advice, weigh the evidence and review the criteria for answering the question. School issues
really dumb questions require only recall of information from thePast.

There are three smart questions that (successful people, the vital question-20%), not asking the trivial 80%. Why? How? and Which?


Why? Questions, make for the cause and effect, and the connections between variables.
Speedlearners choose for meaning and answers to seek to produce the analysis.
Why is this happening? Why do events happen as they? Is everything on the basis
Coincidence? Why not?

How? is the leading problem-solving question, but will move toCauses combined
in order to see the holistic picture. Synthesis combining parts to create a whole. The search for an answer to What? leads to your personal creativity, ingenuity and intuition.

What? is the decision-making issue. It makes you compare advantages and characteristics of people to make the best decision. The Which? Question
often determines our choice of careers, relationships and lifestyle.

Four additional questions to the learner

Who? What? When?Where?

Each of these exploratory questions gives you the knowledge before you make a decision. Would you believe that 80% of students in a scientific research
Project recalled only 10% of what they had studied for a test or a member
in a class lecture? If you do not learn about a strategy and to remember
Their higher thinking and memory falling into the abyss.


We strongly recommend that you read and hear lectures about our Speedlearners
Single-Page(FistNoting) strategy into question. Either you're dreaming or you pay attention and focus on your goals. Be interactive with that which does not require you to study or listen to a cognitive approach to program a chance.

If you are a chapter in a text or a case in a law book, it is normal that the information into the left ear and go right. Prevent Speedlearners
this is normal, natural occurrence of the answer to the Big Three Smart questions
Why? How? and Which? andorganizational four WHO? What? When? and Where?

After testing more than two thousand students and executives, lectures, and those who studied and listened to presentations by chance, compared to those with our FistNoting system were at a major disadvantage. FistNoters learned and remembered up to 92% of the importance and details compared to up to 38% by random learners.

The answer to the question of the generation TV and video game audience today
compared to 25 yearsUp to 5 hours a day in 2006, lines up to 2 hours and 15 minutes in 1981. Are we better or worse by the rise?


Dutch psychologist Harm Veling distractions and presented his research on the brain, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Speedlearners are
interested, because we are with the investigation, the students and to familiarize
Executives DayDream up to 34% of their waking hours.

Veling In 2007, our brain can be demonstratedinhibit distractions. There are two types of distractions: internal and self-talk and dreams, and external
Interruptions by persons, e-mail and telephone requests for our attention.

If you examine the top 20% of a group of students or executives of the company's most productive on the fast track, the results, strategies to strengthen their attention, focus and concentrate on their intentions (goals) to.

Some call it willpower, effort and perseverance and determination,concentrate.
It takes your brain to suppress distraction by their vote through a tunnel
Vision. It is as if one horse in blinkers, ignore the traffic. One thing, if you
tired, your attention wanders and you are easily distracted.

Veling research shows that those who produce more easily distracted to worse
Test results and the loss of memory. We propose that learning is suppressed in the madness, a powerful learningTool.


Speedlearners the exercise of their extra-ocular muscles (six in each eye) and practice-Going Lizard, using their peripheral vision, improve their concentration
Up to 30%.

If you study consistently and hear presentations interactively with your FistNoting strategy is directed your attention and improves concentration
Up to one third.

A student who suffered from dreams in the class eliminated two thirds of the
subvocalization and disturbingmental-movies by softly humming of BINGO
tune. It works because a silly song to sing is a function of the left brain and raises the
mental images) (daydreams, made using your right brain.

A senior executive at a large company proposed a two-minute exercise of exclusive left-eyed vision, and produce with his left hand and arm Air Infinity symbols.
This requires your right eye is closed, access to your right hemisphere, and the creation of aerial pictures from a Horizontaleight transition from the left side to your
Right about half a meter wide.

The purpose of the closed eye and hand movement is keen on creating mental images,
and synchronize your left and right brain. Call it in practice-sync. Exercise
this strategy to your ability to creatively enhance images for learning and products


Consider this: School is not about teaching and learning. The Vital 20% successful because they lead to independent thoughtleads to personal exploration. You
are able to invent solutions for your personal and professional challenges.

The secret is to balance the two hemispheres, and not rely only on the left side of the brain. Intuition and imagination, mental images, and your hearing right-brain skills. The how? it requires Smart Survey, left-brain skills.

Teachers consistently remind them to ask questions to see the progress. They are
Fools, because they do notto demand from the consequences of what you
Study. Smart questions require to discover exploration, comparison and
Cause and effect, trial and error, or human programming.

Smart questions require more effort than standard stupid. It separates the
Health 20% from the trivial 80%. Google: Vilfredo Paredon, the 80/20 principle.

Labeling people, ideas and circumstances is almost a human instinct. It is our acronym for instant understanding. Our goal is tothe formation of a second 20% of
80% by the great speed learning strategies and techniques that not only label
People how smart or stupid.

See ya,

copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler

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