วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hong Kong Education System

The examination-oriented education system is jeopardizing longstanding commitment to the development of students' critical thinking skills and professional criticism. Students were not graduated from secondary school to enter the skills and knowledge for the job and what they have is the knowledge for higher education and are not needed for the workplace.

In the 2003/04 school year, tests the Government of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong 12 COC courses in Senior Secondary School (SSS). There are 17 classesfor 382 students from 57 different schools. In the 2004/05 school year, the rates increased to 32, with 69 classes, 1427 students from 132 schools. As the name implies, contains the COC courses designed to meet needs of certain professions. Currently, there are nine areas of study including economics, culture and media, design, services, performing arts, information technology, engineering, food production and management, and leisure, tourism and hospitality. All of these Courses are designed to meet the requirements of the new Hong Kong economic structure to be.

The COC is equipped for students with interest and inclination in other areas than the other by the test subjects. It aims at providing students with the opportunities offered its guidance for lifelong learning and career objectives in certain areas. With the COC, expected to enable the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of students a better understanding of the development of their> Careers guidance and expertise. This can also help students decide on life goals. Many students also understand the importance of studying hard and are more motivated in teaching other subjects. By studying the career-oriented courses would be, students develop their generic skills, values and attitudes, the necessary knowledge and skills as well as in the workplace to understand demand for a particular career. The students were also able to get oneTo work more than one certificate and diploma for further studies, or even at the college through the study of the COC.

New possibilities and opportunities for students

Some of the COC courses (eg, food, tourism and the performing arts) require not only knowledge but also skills required, values and attitudes that are largely ignored or underdeveloped in traditional curricula. Students who experience failure or unsatisfactory performance during the primary or junior --Secondary school studies can have a new opportunity and choice to experience success and develop some of their talents, they can bring some of their skills and make the long-buried and unnoticed in previous studies.

Learning With COC studies, students not only more knowledge about their chosen professions, but also put up the professions previously by various types of exercises and visits. In previous professional exposure to COC students can come to identify theirSkills and then in the light of this recognition, the decisions taken by the hand and also their motivation to learn.

COC and Self-Concept Development

According to Berk (2004), professional development goes through three phases), a fantasy time (early and mid-childhood, exploring where the children playfully career opportunities, young children an insight into professional of fantasies about her. However, their preferences are largely run by the family,Glamor and excitement, and usually bear little relationship to the decisions that make them eventually.

The second stage is) the provisional time (early ad mid-adolescence. At age 11 to 16, young people think about careers in a more complex manner. At first, they appreciate the job opportunities in terms of their interests. Later, when they become more aware of personal educational requirements for various professions, they take into account their skills and values.

The thirdStage is the realistic time period (late adolescence and) in emerging adulthood. In the late teens and early twenties, the economic and practical realities of adult life are just around the corner, and the young people of their options narrow. At first, many do so through further exploration, the gathering of information on a range of possibilities that blends with their personal characteristics. Then enter a final stage of crystallization, in which they are training on a general category.In it, they try out for a while before he was single for a job.

When the students knowledge about their preferred vocation, education requirements, there may be accumulated, and the future demand, which could benefit students. But high ambition / low knowledge of young people are at risk for ever, "dreamers drift" as they take strategic decisions, as they fail to invest their efforts to make sense. COC programs can help a better job to get young peoplemore about the work that interest them and assess their fit with their personal qualities, as the COC teachers (most of whom are professionals) can introduce students to the field, the people in those jobs, says up-to-date entry requirements, promoting participation or extra curriculum activities of the organization relevant and practical training, or methods that provide first-hand experience. Students who have a clear picture about the jobs they like to be able to join in developing a muchrealistic goal, with a much more realistic goal, students can take concrete steps to achieve the goal.

COC teachers play a more important role in the development of motivation and interests of students as well. They can act as mentors who provide a model for the students to learn. COC Teachers can also develop practical feedback to students, skills and attitude, at the same time, students can see the accumulated skills are greatly needed for the necessary increase in work and itsMotivation.

School is a place where students spend most of their time in their prime, it is understandable that some development can strongly relate to the school environment. Since I trained therapists work in one of the Senior Secondary School, offers the COC am, I notice a lot of new vendors enrolled in our Form 4 classes with negative self-image and low self-esteem, above all, keep faith on their academic abilities. It interferes not only exceed their potential in specific areasrequires more specific skills or personality rather than their ability, memorization (a kind of skills in the traditional test), as well as successes, which they deny to experience. After a period of studies can most of the Form 5 students some sense of achievement during their studies and further intensified the development of a better self-concept, some even want their studies after graduation.

It is not easy to say what causes the negative self-development in the past time, but Ican point out a fact that most students are "underachievers" at the junior secondary school studies. With a few personal interviews, they let me know how they feel to their studies, how bad are their school experience and it leads me to consider a decision to develop as their psychological state in the new type of learning environment afford.

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ideas For Teens in Information Technology - Book Review

I just finished reading "Ideas for Young People in information technology" by Diane Lindsey Reeves. As the owner of a website that focuses on teen jobs, which I'm very well read on this subject. This book is part of a series of books on specific careers that explore teenagers. I have mixed reactions to the book. I thought it was well researched and well written, but I do not think that there is enough substance. It is my opinion that the author is also a lot of filler to fill theBook. The book also seemed to be written for a general audience and not really designed for the teen audience. There was a lot of technical terms and information. It almost felt to me that the book for people who wrote those already in the industry of information technology.

Do not get me wrong, the book had good information and explain the various tasks well. The book has a good job to keep my attention through the use of real stories of people in the relevantProfession. The best part of the book and really the only part of the book, which was really geared adolescents, questionnaires were exercises intended to help in the process of career planning. After passing through the career exploration exercise would be able to determine whether a job would be in information technology is right for you.

Finally, I had the book had some bright spots, but overall I was not impressed.

วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Importance of a Brand New You

Everyone knows the importance of competition, corporate branding strategies on the market, a target group of people with unique offers for certain goods or services. But what is often forgotten that professionals each have their own brands, whether they know it or not. It does not matter whether you are a top-level executives, emerging leaders or an independent contractor, you have a personal brand that you market all day, every day, in this changing economy. Peopleand to identify their personal brands will be on the cutting edge of business, while those who do so will flounder and fail not because they are too confused or diluted one branding message. Here are a few suggestions for you in researching your personal brand guide, so that you can intentionally use it to gain success on the kind of activity that you want.

Brands With Magnetic Personality

The concept of personal branding was firstIntroduction in 1997, when Tom Peters published an article in Fast Company magazine, entitled "The Brand Called You." Ten years ago the idea was a novelty, but over time, personal branding is becoming a major asset. Today we see an urgent need for each individual to discover his or her personal brand and use it to survive in today's rapidly changing and competitive employment landscape. Regardless of whether you are in a large or small organization or working as a solo --Entrepreneurs to exploit successful principles of branding is of crucial importance. Discover your unique attributes, values and passions, and to provide them with an insightful, strategic and powerful personal brand and you can start your career or skidding. Part of a business at a higher level.

I define a personal brand as a "passionately expressed synergy between the goals, values, strengths, abilities and talents, you define yourself from your competitors, such as how to identify and resonate with your target audienceClientele. "Your brand is the unique essence of who you really are and give your good reputation in the market. The importance of understanding and refining personal brand that every day is 24 / 7 personal ad and your brand to see how you interact with other .

The stand-out fire

With our current employment landscape in constant flux, taking many people who thought they had secure jobs in large companies are reliable is reduced. TheCompetition is greater than ever, consumers more information and choices, and following the demise of the legendary American companies, clients and customers are not sure who they can trust. In this atmosphere of uncertainty and skepticism, are personal brands is crucial. If you are a high achiever in a large organization and you want in Excel, personal branding expert to ensure sure that you are recognized and promotions, the other to open up yourColleagues. Small business owners must also understand that their personal marks an expansion of its business and reputation, and they must use to successfully gain and maintain their ideal audience.

The Get Rich Niche

If you know your personal brand and refine the use of these in a unique niche, an invaluable tool for any professional is wanted to take his career with a clearly positive supply. If you've discoveredYour personal brand you feel more comfortable building relationships, marketing yourself and promote your business with passion, confidence and enthusiasm.

The first explore your personal strengths, characteristics, passions and values you can define or refine those qualities to find your ideal customer or targeted position in a company appeal. Focus on a specific niche or a group of people in the marketing of your unique qualities, whether your goal is to promote a company orTotal marketing your own company.

Companies pay a premium for the performers, representing an impressive job of marketing and those who do stand aloof, thanks to a strong personal or business brand. And small business owners can get rich by "Niching" to a specific pool of customers, and always really known as the preferred go-to expert.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Commercial Diving Jobs - Oil Companies Need Divers For Offshore Exploration Projects

Oil. A word that makes you think the abundance of things. War. Greed. Power. Money. Deep-sea diving. That's right, diving. It is not your first collaboration with the major oil companies, but it is a place where divers can launch lucrative careers. A place where you can go diving, the boundaries and do what you love -.

Commercial diving jobs for oil companies are perhaps the best way to make a big paycheck as a diver. Imagine diving every day in some of the remotest places on theentire planet - Alaska, the Black Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Red Sea, and elsewhere that oil-offshore hidden beneath the surface of the earth.

When working as a diver for the oil industry you need to have strong diving skills. And make the big money you need to make a fully certified professional divers. This is a commercial diving school where you learn the mandatory skills to begin a career as a commercial diver visitors means.

You need to feel 100% confidence in everythingThat you do under water. Any mistake can be costly, even cause death. When working for the oil industry, you will dive in extreme conditions. Depth, penetration, dark, cold, electricity, down time, even underwater welding is part of your daily routine. Every day will be completely different - with new challenges, new adventures and new locations.

So, what is the life of an oil divers from? How do I get into this sweet career began? How much should I do? Is it difficultTo find work? If this is the career for me? These are all questions that you probably pondering right now. Now we start at the beginning ...

To get started diving for the oil industry, you need more than one Open Water Diver The International Marine Contractors Association website has lots of information on training programs. A commercial diving school, you learn the complex skills of the gas mixture, deep diving and underwater construction. Moreabove all, learn diving with surface supplied air instead of SCUBA.

The next step is to find a job. This is usually done by searching for the big oil company employment pages or by searching Google. Continue to apply. If you are your skills top notch, and you have a solid background, you will be hired. Be prepared to be jet-set from some remote oil rig, ready to travel again to the next gig. You can be one weeks in Alaska, welding a column of 100 meters and in the next weekOil exploration in the South Pacific.

Travel to the oil-dollar company is a perk of working in this industry. Another reason is the salary. Often, entry-level dive jobs pay between $ 900 and $ 1,500 per week. And with more experience, you can earn upwards of $ 80,000 per year - an awesome reward for what you love - diving. Not to assume that you are always on the move, they would calm down in a small cabin with a window in the hallway.

When available for work, yes it isdifficult, but not if you use the skills and the willingness to look for work and go to where it is. Many commercial divers who work in the oil industry to burn quickly through the long hours and adrenaline. But a few years working heart pumps water is a pretty big gig. If you are qualified, will come jobs, but always be sure to look for your next job, even if you will be happy to set up. It seems that if you are in the system, work is steady, exciting andThere is abundant.

If you want to travel the world to be under water, getting paid ridiculous amount of money for your work, and are ready for the adrenaline risks of this exciting role, then you dive should seriously consider jobs in the oil industry.

วันพุธที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Keep Your Relationship Strong

If a relationship is new and fresh we find it hard to imagine that it will ever end. But in many cases the newness takes after a certain time, and we begin to see problems with our partners. We may also be granted only approximate among them. Finally, The Thrill Is Gone, and the relationship withers. Keeping a relationship strong requires some essential elements.

To begin, if it will not be a true friendship, then the relationship probably not for long. Therefore, I suggest, alwaysthat a couple explore their friendship before diving into a relationship. It is important to an understanding and appreciation of what makes the other person tick to develop.

This may be old-fashioned and simplistic, but if you are the relations that are familiar to you, you will probably find that the test that are built on friendship, strong and prosperous. While the others that, where the couple appear to have some common interests, seem to struggle to survive.

Duringthe first phase of exploration of the friendship it is wise to discuss future goals and plans. After all, if this is to find the beginning of a long-term relationship you want to be on board with those plans, nix them, or a compromise that works for both of you.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about: If you are planning a career student then you have done a standard for your lifestyle. Adding that the wish that your new partner who wants aArchaeologists in a faraway place. A compromise must be achieved. This would be the case if one of you a house full of children and the others do not want the child wanted. The possibilities are endless, but the solution is the same, either one partner must give up his plans or a compromise is required.

You see, the friendship will provide that each partner respects the other and the wishes, dreams and goals that he learns. Compromises are not always easy, but in almostevery situation an agreeable solution can be worked out.

Another important element to a relationship has certain rules when it comes to disagreements. It is important that the couple learn to talk about problems rather than argue about them. Open to discuss what the beginning is not and acceptable in the relationship. This includes any expectations that may have each of you the other. Decide early in the relationship, how to deal with disagreements.

Take a deep breathThings are going to go a long way to keep the relationship strong. Some couples agree to never the day with angry feelings toward the other. It is wise to recognize that every day is a new beginning. No matter what has happened so far you have now working on a solution.

Make every day a new opportunity to make things better than the day before. Dwelling on the past will not help to focus on today and tomorrow. This builds a strong relationship, not fail. Even ifThings seem hopeless the appropriate actions can reverse the situation.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


A caricaturist is an artist who specializes in cartooning. The job of a cartoonist is to create comic characters, objects, in books, manga, anime, and share editorial cartoons. They are a part of the comic-strip creation of animated films. A cartoonist is born quality sketches, cartoons, or the reproduction of images. They love to draw around the first pencil. You can express their thoughts on a paper at any point of time. Then they go to the sketches in black ink and colors.Cartoonists work for print media, electronic and web media as well.

Career Exploration and cartoonists

Cartoonists create images based on the topic. If the work goes on for animation, it will make figures from cartoons for an animation to be created. There are slight changes of cartoon images on each frame. There are several subscribers may be required for an animation, movies or presentations. There are several different animations are neededin the film industry, television, Internet and video games. In the field of advertising and public relations, cartoonist are in high demand because they are human creativity and a sense of it all. Software industry and Web industry are also many opportunities for cartoonists.

Knowledge for Cartoonist

Cartoonists know the principles of graphic and visual arts. You can not go beyond what it says on the principle of the graphic. Cartooning is their ability to amateur and professional, andpractice often make it better each time. The possibility and the interest they take a position of respect. They are known for many things happening around. They have this idea and thoughts, which are used for the company. Many cartoonists are a graduate in fine art, graphic design and many with advanced computer technology for implementation. They come in many experiments with many ideas and creativity during the studies and workshops to explore. Many of the competitive environmentcould do much for building and reorganizations have helped career.

To a cartoonist you have the art, culture caricature. You have to practice and acquire better knowledge of the principles of graphics, etc situational expression of the attributes of a caricaturists. You should study the fine arts and graphic design study as a professional qualification. During the study, you must, in many experiments, many ideas and creativity come to explore. In a competitive environment, manyartistic students can get a lot of knowledge and experiences and opportunities around shares.

Exceptional ability

Cartoonists have some unusual ideas and perceptions that help them to create unique caricatures. All cartoonists have a particular cartoon character that come on every issue as an actor. They have ideas for graphics, computer workstations and software tools, etc. They have a sense of quality and compatibility, the need for any production. You learn from every event,Person and the situation. They love it, as part of an excellent cartoonist, and teaches better than him. They have ideas for commercial use of cartoons, caricatures, in application of game designers and advertising industries. They work in the animation industry. Cartoonists are in two categories, either in special cartoon character (character, animal) movement, dialogue, drama experts, etc. and / or specializing in digital special effects for cartoon animation (cartooning in the object), thenVehicles, roads and natural phenomena such as rain, snow and water.

Aniboom Cartoon and promotes cartoonists by in electronic form) and Web (Internet medium. He is so into the next phase of the intention to go over to the other media as well as TV, mobile phone, PC Games

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Homeschooling - 6 Reasons Why You Should Home School Your Children

Here are reasons why you should not send their children to traditional school:

1. Obsolete education.

2. Oversized classes.

3. Ongoing budget cuts.

4. Rising criminal activities in the school.

5. Mediocrity.

6. Lack of Wealth Building Education.

Education system outdated:

The training, which they teach the children at the school since the baby boomers have visited changed. They are teaching the industrial age educationIn this age of information. The system must be really revised, because we live in a very different world than the industrial age. What has for Grand Daddy is not sure it would for our children when they graduate average. More children leave school these days deep in debt before they even begin a job or a good start in life. Something tells me that they do not really want to get the population, too smart. Something is definitely wrong with this picture is not it? Currently she(Agencies) expect us stupid enough to excuse her and that is the reason for the price increase in the fuel due to a supply-demand issue to buy. Do you really think that there is not enough gas to handle? Why is everyone eating from the automobile manufacturers including Toyota SUV gas overproduction, are to be known for its small car?

Oversized classes:

Used in the classes of about 20 to 25 students not too long ago. Today, 30 to 35 seems to be the norm. Havethink that the teachers can handle a class that size? You can only handle what they can handle, period. Can you blame them? Only so much you get paid to do their job. Most teachers will work only in accordance with the main performers in the class. Sure, there are some teachers who really take pride in their work and are willing to the extra mile with their students, but they are the minority. If your child is a difficult student he or she will not have the same treatment granted by the performerwill.

Continued Budget Cuts:

The government is much more in the war and the exploration of space than in the education of your children will be taking over when and if we ever retire. If they do provide money for education, most of it goes to public schools than the higher levels. Cut backs are the main reasons why our average class size is 30 to 35 students. They are compromising attitude enough specialists to teach the students. They are even sacrificing & BooksDeliveries. I even have schools without soap regularly heard in the other rooms in many public schools in the U.S. and Canada.

Rising criminal activities in school:

This has become one of the biggest concerns that may go through a parent. We all know stories of the Columbine High School shooting, also to be this kind of thing seems to be a growing concern for the authorities. Almost every month, you heard some sort of incident involving a weapon in our schools.


Theyteach our children how to use less than what they are worth, and instead of teaching them how great they can pay for. Our children are not sheep to feed the economy. You deserve the best and it will not come from the traditional school. The middle class is fast disappearing in the United States & Canada and is the main reason for all this mediocrity, that they are trying to get to swallow them all. Maybe that's why there are so many people who believe everything (the media of the governmentTool), she tells today.

Lack of Wealth Building Education:

When was the last time something of a class that teaches you how to be a Millionaire? The next thing in the vicinity of educational success is perhaps a course in business or management skills come. Most of these classes are around working for a company rather than build an empire as directed.

6 reasons why more than enough to make you think about what they really should be your children in school.I would encourage you to look into these issues a little more before you even consider your children out of school.

Teach your children on your own can be overwhelming someone without experience, but it is definitely possible.

Education is not a priority for the government. I do not think they really want, that the masses get to be smart.

What do you think?

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Follow a Bill Through Congress

The United States Congress is a bicameral system. It is the Legislature, which is the law making branch of the three branches of the federal government. Our representative to act in a certain way and the houses in a certain way for the creation of legislation, which in turn may or may not be the law tomorrow.

The term "conference" seems to conveniently take the two units that make it up. Many think only of the Congress, a "whole" unit. Historically, the House ofHas been more representative of the "people's" house of Congress. It was the only part of the three branches of government by a direct vote of the people are elected. The Senate, the Constitution had been chosen by state law, elected by direct vote today as a result of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

The House of Representatives is a little more committed to the people than the Senate. Mike Thompson is a Democrat, but in the 53rd District in California, he was notCalifornia Democratic elected by traditional value. In a valley district, there are a lot of conservative thinking that works with agribusiness. He has a full load to compensate for the vote. At a time when he can not cut school advantages, but it would be the end of his career, when he cuts to farm subsidies. Every two years until he is running for reelection.

Senators who are generally on their state and the nation as a term of six years. They shall help to write and push bills that they receiveto look good in the eyes of their voters, and in the eyes of the nation. Senators are on the breast of the national office and often scramble to further career in politics with the politics, they write and vote for them to start.

Congressman log-roll with colleagues. If a Republican voted on a farm-reform bill that Thompson wrote that Thompson may protect against his Republican party-line vote on his allies. You must not burn bridges. If a congressman has a bill not explored, it is simplyConsultation with his followers, because the party surpasses all others. Often, President of the United States, lobbyists and Political Action Committees, funded the campaign to have the pressure on the way the vote goes as well.

The two houses of Congress to act differently, but they are very similar, as well. The house consists from 435 members composed as follows Comparison of the Senate 100th We are currently in the 110th Congress.

On the surface they look very similar, since both theHouse and Senate are divided into a bunch of committees and subcommittees. Standing committees are always there, like the House Rules Committee. Special Committees handle investigations such as indictments. Joint Cooperation Committee, the House and the Senate on large projects such as global warming. Finally, there are conference committees, which are temporary, but are always in existence. These make unlike similar bills given to the President for signature.

Dueits size alone, must be structured in the House of Representatives even more. The most important committee in the house is The House Rules Committee. It operates under the leadership of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) Approx. You decide in what order, if any, bills to be heard. You can schedule a bill early or "table", so that they never heard.

The house has limited debate. Pelosi can issue three types of rules for the debate. You're open-rule, once the bill is on the floor, eachMember offer change. Another reason is closed usually only those who sponsored the bill can change it. Finally, the restrictive rule, everything, what does the Rules Committee that it should be. In the house all the changes are to be Germane the bill.
The Senate has an unlimited debate and not as a partisan. Most leaders see legislation, it is said: "All who say that," say yes "to all, 'no work', and the Senate on either the bill or not to a simple majority.

InSenate, the driver, put bills. These need not be Germane. An agriculture bill can begin to change to deep space exploration. Senators, in a "filibuster debate", so that a draft legislation is not how they ended up dying on the floor if they have a "lock-hits." A cloture vote of sixty senators to these delay tactics. For six years the Democrats have been filibustering Bush's nominee.

When we look at the process, we can see why only about ten percent of the bills become law.Of 11,000 suggestions, there are around 150 laws each year. A bill originating in a senator or a representative of each chamber of Congress. A bill to increase the taxes need to leave the house.
If the House Committee approves, it goes to the Speaker of the House. Exactly where they can fill the bill, he must wait two years for the restoration table. When introduced, it gets a number.

Once the bill is introduced, see the relevant committee thereof. Say it is a commercial invoice. A Committee onForeign policy might look at. This is exactly where the bill could be terminated if the committee rejects.

It can get approved and / or amended if it is marked and statements can be heard. Most of the lobbying is done to kill bills. The bill will likely create more problems than it's worth. Here the bill can die on a "no".

Again, we need a full standing committee, where it can die again to change or to be coordinated. Except in times of war, such as "may Patriot Act, a bill to fifteen yearsLaw.
If the law has done it before, then goes to the Rules Committee, where Pelosi will decide what kind of debate, if ever, get the bill. If it does not receive or at the bottom of the list came up, could die. Even if it is fully covered by the debate, without a simple majority, yes or no, we see on CNN, the bill dies.

When it comes to the house, he gets a number, HR ---. The House author is a Senator, the bill sponsor. It is SR ----. In the Senate, the Billreceives all kinds of drivers associated, and again, it must be by a simple majority. From here, if it's over, it goes on a conference committee to reconcile the two bills. Here, too, may for another two years.

From here the bill goes to the President. He can sign the law, where law is. He can veto the legislation if it by a 2 / 3 supermajority of both houses of Congress the bill right. He can do anything, where, after ten days, the invoice is right. He can alsoPocket veto, if he given the bill within ten days after the end of the sitting Congress. Here, if he does nothing, the bill dies. Congress and presidential elections were approved to send you a complex filter of indirect democracy.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Baking Cookies While Attending Online Schools at Home

Online schools could be the solution to many of the problems faced by older students. With more and more people are finding that they need to acquire additional skills to advance in the labor market, older students often face a dilemma how to receive this coveted higher educational qualifications whilst juggling work, family and financial obligations. The ability to study online gives a prospective adult students the opportunity for a degree with other courses and studytheir online education programs.

By studying through online schools to keep students in a position to their current standard of living, while working to a better lifestyle. As such, there are many online schools offer a variety of degree programs. But for those who pick up a new skill, meet for their performance at work, people, or just have fun, online courses are also a good idea. I also believe that attending online schools are perfect for working people are fullyTime because of the flexibility it allows. Since there is often no set class time, you can study and course work at your own pace, and if it convenient for you!

ONLINE ARE SUITABLE FOR SCHOOLS pupils with special educational needs?

Online schools have revolutionized the workplace for skilled teachers and administrators. The result of this association is the ability to create a tailored classroom for gifted fight and needs-based students that until the advent ofOnline learning, often to separate special study groups to fulfill their potential. As such, online schools can be a great help to students with disabilities allowing them to be able to access materials in a digital format from home. However, if the material is not accessible, it can isolate students and lower the quality of education. But overall, online schools offer advantages over their campus counterparts. If you are looking for convenience, program choice, and a satisfactoryLearning experiences you can find that online schools are better than traditional colleges. This type of internet schools can obviously market almost anywhere in the world - they do not care whether students come from the Bar Harbor, ME or Chula Vista, CA. Last month alone, it was reported that over 4.5 million search queries for "online campus". That's a lot of searches! That this tells me is that there are a lot of people to expand on a specific skills and / or better theirexisting knowledge. It may also mean that more and more students with special needs it more convenient to learn from the privacy of their home in their own environment.


Do not get me wrong here, yes it's true, online schools are the same strict quality instead, learning to keep efficiency, accessibility and affordability, with the traditional educational institutions. It was even found that people onlineSchools have some of the best schools in the country. There are hundreds of accredited online schools, hiring only the best professors in their fields, most of which are currently in the respective area. Another good reason why you should attend an online school is that they have limited overheads, they do not have to heat or cool classrooms for students or repair of buildings. This brings me to my main point here argues that online schools will often cost less and less time tocomplete make it easier for some of the education, which has previously only dreamed of getting!

I believe that online schools are definitely the schools of the future although the heart of the struggle to realize it is really all about the point of personal contact between students and teachers. Well, if you put all distractions aside, since you have complete control over your environment, studying from home for online can an education at a much lower cost to offer than a brick and mortarschool. Any online school merits exploration and asking the correct questions may assist students in selecting a suitable program. And certain online schools may also provide the opportunity to interact with students and teachers through message boards, email addresses, and live chat. Besides, is the half hour lunch break at traditional brick and mortar schools really enough time to socialize anyway? It is important to start today and research the possibilities of a new promotion at an existing company or even a new career of your dreams.

วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Alternative Energy Sources Overview

When we say that all alternative energies, are not subject to the consumption of fossil fuels, which include, the number of optional resources is impressive. In this chapter, a review will only be those in use or development are now offering with any further explored in subsequent chapters. There is no doubt include alternative energy sources are not here, either because they are not all about a theoretical stage, or simply because none of them thoughtyet.


This is the original energy source. Before people learned to make fire, we were told, like all plants and animals with whom we share the planet from the sun for heat and light. In fact, although it is probably responsible for many factors (the radiant output of the sun that may be affected by fluctuations in Earth orbit or orbit the sun within the galaxy, as well as activities taking place in the sun or inspace) contributed to the first global energy crisis: the Ice Age (s), cleared when a large proportion of the earth with thick sheets of ice and sea fall steeply. There are two types of solar energy: passive and active. The former is simply the use of the location, duration and intensity of the rays of the sun optimally plan to use to induce a range of heat or air from one area to another without the use of extra technology beyond what is needed to explore the commercial energy.The latter includes the use of mechanical and electrical technologies, such as collection plates to collect, transform and store energy for later use.


Wind is used for many centuries as a source of power. It has driven many a sailing ship and enables the exploration and trade with distant lands. Single wind turbines have a family needs for growing irrigation, and water pumps driven by electric light. In these days, but most of the discussionsWind power is not committed on one or two windmills on a given consumer, but many, many wind turbines arranged to collect a lot of electricity at a time and feed into the grid. These are known as "wind farms" known and in use around the world for many years, with the United States one of the few industrialized nations too slow to accept the concept.

Biomass / Biofuels

Biomass energy production is the conversion of biological material or wasteinto substances that are used as fuel for heating, transportation or electricity generation. Carbon-based materials that have been transformed over time into fossil fuels, not as "biomass" (although in their original states, which would have been it), for the simple reason that contain carbon, it has from the current carbon cycle was isolated, and therefore different character found in its impact on the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Hydrogen &Electric

Hydrogen is not, in fact, a manufacturer of alternative energy sources. It is rather a means of storing energy produced by other methods and is therefore seen by many as a safer, easier and more efficient way to provide energy. Since weaning ourselves from a steady diet of fossil fuels, many direct and indirect changes in the ways we think and include the things that we are here, along with discussions of the storage and transmission in general, and an important partEnergy planning. Similarly, electricity is not an energy producer, but a form, stored in the energy and can be delivered.


Nuclear power creates energy when changing its atomic structure. All nuclear power plants in operation today are based on fission, in which the radioactive decay process in a controlled chain reaction, which accelerates an atom into two or more products, including energy splits. Nuclear fusion involves the opposite combinationElements for the same purpose. While the merger has tremendous potential for energy production, the technology does not yet exist to initiate a controlled fusion reaction. Nuclear power has remained controversial is the world (for many reasons explained later), but his lasting appeal lies in its ability to produce millions of times more energy than all the fossil fuels of similar mass.

Ocean and Earth Power

The earth itself offers many promising sources of power. As Suns --Energy, geothermal resources have long provided people with a heat source, although the use of the heat of the earth to generate electricity only comes at the turn of last century to generate. Tidal power involves the collection of the kinetic energy of the incoming and outgoing tides, as well as the local difference between high and low tide. Similarly, there is energy in the wave action in the oceans. An alternative form of energy for heating is already relatively common: the heatPump. They come in two basic forms: see geothermal energy (top) and air-source. Geothermal heat pumps use the ground temperature and are between 40 and 60 percent more efficient than using air-source heat pumps, the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air for heating and cooling. There are also systems for ocean thermal energy conversion.

วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Goal Setting - Breakthroughs Require Focus and Concentration - Tips from a Life Coach

Your ideas will vanish into thin air if you do not claim to be time to bring them to life. Dedicate focused and concentrated time to develop your creativity and excellence.

"The life of a person is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their election field efforts." Vincent T. Lombardi

How many times has your mind has wrestled with an idea or a concept, you're almost to the point of an actionable answer if youinterrupted? When you finally have a chance to get back to this potential breakthrough They have lost their luster. You create it, the best of your abilities, but you're still missing that spark that will set on fire. Often, you get everything back eventually, but so much time back to the magical place of breakthrough.

Breakthroughs needed to formulate space. This space can come in the form of a continuous time, creative exploration, focus andConcentration. Often we do not know if major breakthroughs or ideas, but they happen when you enter as soon as they arrive then time to pay it later used to develop a practice and to bring to light many of the ideas and breakthroughs.

This is your breakthrough moment. This week, your ideas in a notebook, journal or PDA, something that you could easily with them, wherever you go. Ideas will come at unusual times to collect them all. In addition to its implementation, aNotebook, I think that a diver-pad cover in the shower and work through my ideas. Water will in many forms of creative ideas flow for me.

This week, devoted 20 minutes focused, uninterrupted time each day to your ideas and breakthroughs. The more you get used to it, do it, the easier this time will come, and the more space will be, of course, the breakthrough process.

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Career Choices During Economic Recession

It is a tough time economically for many families and businesses. The people are dismissed, while others are working more hours and more responsibility. Some cuts are due to the need, others are "downsizing" in order to have a plan. Evaluating one's options can help with the uncertain economic times.

Loss of a job is stressful and is adapting to hard work. Life change is a mix of positive and negative. Let's hope we always be happy and avoid the situationBad happened unrealistic. So, balance stress with the thought of it as an opportunity to make the transition to a new job or career that are better matches your strengths, interests and passions.

Everyone is together of strengths and weaknesses. What skills do you have? What are you doing really well? It can be anything from listening to organize computer skills, to socialize, too.

Start your strengths with your interests and passions pair. What topicsYou would never read about or discussing tired? What would you do to make the world a better place if you refuse or are no obstacles standing in the way? When we find a meaning or significance in their lives, then they are the principles and objectives that are guided over fear and survival.

Anxiety and fretting can cripple and limit your ability to see the options. Realized that you have choices, even if you do not choose your current reality, you can get back on track,Hope and direction. What options do you have? Here are some resources to get you started:

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Color is Your Parachute For Teens - Book Review

I just finished reading "What color is your parachute for young people" by Richard Nelson Bolles. As a career consultant and owner of a teen job board, I have prepared almost every book in the teen employment category. I had really high expectations for this book on the great success of "What color is your parachute" franchise basis. This book has my expectations and then some. The book highlights the importance of determining what interests you, and then career planningOptions based on.

What I like most about the book is its simplicity and direct approach. The authors delve into all the decisions that have young people in finding a career, and above all gives a roadmap for effective career exploration. The book also helps young people in the decision which to choose majors. I wish I had this book when I was a teenager, because I am up to my junior year in school still undecided. I also like that the book was written to appeal to and educateNot only young people but also their parents. There are a ton of suggestions, what can parents do to their teenagers make critical decisions about their future careers. I also like how the book uses real life examples and stories to illustrate their point across.

Finally, I would recommend this book to anyone who in high school or college students who have trouble choosing a direction for their professional future. I would also recommend that for parents of adolescents andEducators.

วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Alternative and Natural Healing Methods Grow in Popularity

After years of conventional medicine, alternative and natural healing methods outlawed in the popularity gained America's over-population drugs.

According to a recent study of 18 major HMOs and insurance companies, 14 offered at least 11 of 34 alternative therapies or natural healing. Among the most widely recognized natural healing methods are acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and herbal remedies to the most popular.

Even with an increase ofCoverage for a natural healing methods, the general public still undereducated about the benefits of integrating natural healing methods into their regular health care regimen.

By definition, natural healing or complementary and alternative medicine, as they are known by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that currently do not apply as partof conventional medicine.

In most cases, are natural healing methods in conjunction with conventional medicine. Thus, for example aromatherapy are used after surgery to assist in recovery. Natural therapies can also be used instead of conventional medicine, such as the use of plant medicines, medicines to treat diseases and non-prescription.

Due to the increase in popularity of natural healing methods, many schools have opened to train a natural healer. Programsin natural healing methods, such as those that focus on the Orange County Academy of Natural Healing, on various techniques, including spa therapy, massage, stone therapy and aromatherapy, holistic health practices based on a holistic healing of the body , focus, and includes offering herbal studies, which promotes herbal remedies for common ailments.

Since these natural healing methods are proven to be safe and effective, they are adopted into conventional medicine and new therapies. resulting This was the case with chiropractic, acupuncture and now. Americans to seek this alternative or natural healing, as they strive towards a healthier life. It's just a matter of time to pick up insurance, the popularity of such practices and begin to provide the care.

วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Getting Real - Helping Teens Find Their Future - Book Review

I just finished reading "Get Real: Helping Teens their future" by Kenneth Carter Gray found. I run a teen job site and I have read many books teen jobs and career exploration for youth in context. It is my opinion, this book is the best in educational and vocational guidance category. This book is very different than most teen books out there. The author does not write about teen jobs or job applications or interviews, or the mechanics get in the job search.Instead, the author focuses on why young people should have a professional career early, and bring the benefits of choosing your career interests, nor in high school.

The book is written and offers a wealth of current information and statistics and original ideas. It is obvious that the author has a doctorate, because the depth of research is extraordinary. What I like most is the book, he explains how choosing a career is an individual experience and aSize does not fit all. For example, the author suggests that most people go to college because they think they should. It calls on this idea and offers great alternatives for high school students. I also like how the author of other long-term challenges beliefs and really brings the reader up to date on what happens in real time in the entry-level job market.

Finally, I would recommend this book not only for students, but they should be required reading for all educatorsand parents.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Need a Career Coach? 10 Ways a Career Coach Can Help You

The word is synonymous with coaching sports teams. A coach can help your athletes achieve the way of thinking, to set and achieve goals that seem insurmountable to develop a lot of people, but to be with focus and clarity, met or exceeded. They can help an athlete reach their full potential through structured training programs for the planning, the feedback on performance, and help them become more efficient.

However, coaching has become more common in other areas. Life Coachinghas evolved in recent years, many coaches call with specialization in niche products such areas as health, financial and career coaching a few.

To login to the growing demand for use of a career coach, why should a coach to help you, your career progressing?

A career coach will help you in many ways. As mentioned in the description of an instructor, she will help you develop and achieve your potential, be successful and results. A career coach will usually work with you on a one-to-one basis and will often offer group workshops, teleseminars and e-books help you to work in your career.

A career coach can have in the following areas:

Career exploration and discovery

You may be unhappy or dissatisfied with your job and feel that there is something else there, but are not sure what it is. A> Career Coach can help you find out what's important in your job and make sure that your talents, abilities and strengths used and provides you with the salary you deserve.

Understand your strengths and weaknesses

A career coach will help you develop an insight into your strengths and weaknesses. To be able to better understand themselves and support them, decisions that you will in your career. We highlight areas that you can notthan before and you can have any weaknesses that are holding you back or she can address to your advantage.

Develop your career vision and shape your career

A career coach can help you to develop a plan for your career progress structure. By understanding your abilities and skills that they can help you plan your ideal job and how to get around there.

Develop confidence in their ownAbility

You can have a plan for your future, but you can consciously or unconsciously holding back. A career coach can help you develop more confidence in the ability, as well as to provide you with the support and motivation to help you achieve your goal.

Give assistance in job search

A career coach can help you search in all phases of your job. From to help you develop your resume, search for the ideal workplace andbe successful at the interview, a career coach will support you every step of the way.

Help you get ready for the promotion

You do not need to wish your career change benefit from employing a career coach. They can help you get ready for the promotion, planning for the next step in your career and help you develop your talents.

Support at work

If you are not satisfied with the work, it can many reasons why this is so. A career coach can also help you become with difficult situations or people and much more confident. You can raise your profile at work to build better relationships and improve your personal effectiveness.

Make sure that you have your goals are congruent with other parts of your life

A career does not exist in isolation and is part of your entire life. It is important that a career coach, you make sure that your> Career goals fit well in other parts of life. For example, if work-life balance is essential for you, they will ensure that you use this when planning your career or consider forward.

Enter with more self awareness

Some career coaches will use psychometric testing or other techniques that will help you develop a greater self-confidence. Increased awareness itself will help you understand yourself better, to buildstronger relationships and effectively communicate.

Assist you every step of the way

How will other coaches, career coaches support you every step of the way.

Their role is to:

- Challenge you and ensure that you make, you agree to the requested changes.

- Keep an account of the actions you want to take. You must report your results, which means as good as, responsibility for yourself, youthey have to prove what you have accomplished with your coach.

- Question you and challenge your ideas and thoughts.

- Listen without an agenda for itself, giving you a chance to meet with their own solutions that are right for you.

- Celebrate your successes and recognize when you have problems or challenges to overcome.

- You stay motivated, even when the going tough!

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Easy Science Projects for Kids

It is important for children to engage in science from an early age what the exposure to scientific ideas and the world of exploration as soon as possible, the best way to a love for learning in your children that a promote life long. At the same time, scientific knowledge is cumulative, so that the children must begin with a solid foundation if they meet the necessary academic skills in school to successfully develop, and perhaps in a future career. Of course, if thisRemember scientific projects with the children the most important thing is to have fun! Youth Science Fair Projects are not here to transform your child into a scientist - they are intended to the creative juices flowing within your child and help him or her continues to explore the natural world and to make use of the imagination.

And where do you find ideas for projects of science, if you want to get your child started on something at home? Luckily, these days you need not look far to findscience projects for your children - just do a search online and you should be able to find, tons of websites with information and ideas relating to Science Fair Projects and Science for children in the rule. These websites list research projects and tell you exactly how to do and what to do to help the process of discovering your child to science or Science Fair Projects preparing for the school is made easy.

In the past it was easy for parents to get frustrated if it helpChildren with their homework and come with ideas for Science Fair Projects - now it's easy to help them and you do not whiz into a science itself! And if your child shows a natural interest in science, it is more important that you encourage them from an early age. Whether you have a project for school, not wholly or homework, have children involved in science at home is a great idea!

In fact, do their own experiments at home is a good waysupplementing the regular education their children receive exposure during the day in the classroom. And if you home school your children go to fun and educational experiments, which can easily be recalculated at home is the perfect way to practice your children learn their opinion about the science, while at the same time a lot of fun at the same time.

When setting up to do science projects for your children at home, it's fun to learn - which is still on the child's experience and classperhaps even improve their grades overall. Of course, that does not make the main objective of the experiments at home. These projects with your children a fun activity and the learning of spring that organically. In particular, do find the science projects for your children at home, it's a good idea to find something to your children, and maybe even their friends to enjoy. Find out what interests your child and go from there. The inclusion in the process will help themNature to discover where their interests are and what kind of experiments they will gain the most out of.

You can find the instructions for these experiments are free, but you need to buy some basic supplies, in most cases. Be used at the same time, materials in most of these projects, relatively inexpensive and not difficult.

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Life Ends, Then What? When It's All Been Said And Done, There's Just One Thing That Matters

The words to a song often handles us for a while. It seems to grab and hold our attention when we hear that it was on the radio in the shops, or when we take refuge and relax, to calm it in a moment. It leads us into another world, not quite as hard or as real as "reality." Can I find a particular song takes me there. In fact, it gives me a special place where I not only happiness, but I'm also thinking about rawest truth of life and death, and looking back at how I lived my life, "the otherSide. "" When everything is said and done ... "The text is this:

"When all is said and done, there is only one thing, the questions: Did I do my best to live the truth: Did I give my life for you?

And the part of the song that she completed all:

You are my life, when life is over. "

It states that if we are dead, in a sense, we are subject without restriction to "remember God pulled" out-of-service "permanently, were under" remembers "back to him. If life is gone, whatelse is there? How is it for you at the end? Have you ever think about it? It is not morbid, sometimes more than they think like most things that simply are not obsessed! Everything in moderation is the term used. Thinking about our death helps us continue to thank ... and we can learn a lot from thinking about the finality of life.

From the perspective of our death, we can win as much recognition of what constitutes our life, he puts it in a different light. You can help us to reconfigure and redesignour definition of success. It can clarify and reinforce us have in our role in life and the balance that we can or not in these roles. It brings to bear the truth. For the truth is often veiled and too abstract and does not seem to really know what we find is often pleasant drips into lies, but the real pleasures in life are wrapped in a veneer of unattractive plain hard work and discipline. We get so disappointed. It is almost too hard to "do the right thing", but the secret is actually available for us when manyof us the way to early to see at all.

Take for example family. How often do the job and career comes first? We know deeply that we are making the wrong choice, but we go with the thing that "a good feeling." We may not feel it? The sense of present gratification. However, it is absurd, empty and lifeless. They enslave you to your career and what benefits were waiting for? Very rarely, they are also to be anywhere near worth the rewardsis. To say under the "low road", but sacrificing a first instrument of the family, and requires courage, no, especially if your boss, it's so culturally against. There are two main reasons that make it "too hard" just to be there!

Success: We are not looking, and if we do not find it, we are confused, bewildered and sometimes angry. How we could do it so wrong? We need to regularly analyze and redefine our notions of success, through reflection and meditation (which is just deep) thinking.Who sets the "success" brand for you? Is it you, your spouse and your children, or is it different?

Do not let another set of "success" brand for you, especially those who do not love. Search for your own brand and make sure it makes sense over a longer period. They should ensure that there will be a legacy left to stand your life for more than a "good contribution to society" when you're dead. Legacies are the lives of the left side, your family, your friends, and those you have made a positiveImpact on, and those that you cared and was a model. Every day of life is very precious.

After the death, or at our funeral, how is it that we want to remember our loved ones to us? A life well lived, a noble and lofty goal, but you can translation, credited actions can and should be now? Do not hesitate.

Keeping facilitate life requires focus and discipline, both because of hard work, courage is that according to the faith that comes from confidence, the wisdom thatindicates equilibrium, and the effect is a healthy Shalom peace beyond all other generally positive feeling, either natural or supernatural. And you can not get them without spiritual.

How much you want it? How much effort do you want to set goals to meet in your life? They are not here forever in the vicinity. When it was all said and done, there is only one thing that counts. Do you have your best to live the truth? Someone will address this issue.

© Steve J. Wickham,2008th All rights reserved worldwide.

Song by Robin Mark with words and music to "If it was all said and done" by Jim Cowan.

วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Crude Oil Industry Jobs - Your Crude Oil Industry Jobs Uncovered

Despite the recent developments in the energy such as biofuels and ethanol, oil is still by far the largest player in the energy market. Due to the increasing demand for oil from countries like India and China, oil industry jobs are on the rise. Now a good time for you, for oil and gas jobs may exist.

There are many different oil industry jobs. These cover the various sectors of the petroleum industry as entry-level jobs, drilling, administration,Administration, medicine, marketing and the like. The oil industry is generally divided into three general sections: upstream, midstream and downstream.

Upstream Area: Includes exploration, drilling and extraction of oil from reservoirs. Typical jobs in this section are geophysicist, drilling engineer and production engineer.

Midstream Section: Includes transportation of crude oil from tankers and pipelines from the oilfields to the refineries and the refining ofCrude oil. Typical jobs on oil pipelines can Pipeliner, piping and pipeline walker welder. Refinery jobs to chemical engineering, process engineering and pump operator.

Downstream Area: Covers the marketing and sale of petroleum products to the public.

You may be able to find a job in the country or on a drilling rig. Offshore oil rigs are structures used to the various drilling equipment and facilities for the rigworkers house. These institutions are dormitories,Dining room and offices.

The recruitment process for oil industry jobs in general, more hands than traditional job interviews. The applicant may be issued to solve tasks under the supervision of a supervisor to. This helps the supervisor, a better picture of the knowledge, behavior and motivation of each applicant to obtain.

If you are new to the oil industry, you would do well to increase your knowledge about them. Here you will find information about the different areas andOperations of the petroleum industry through research in a library or on the World Wide Web. This could also enlighten you about all the various oil-industry jobs in the world.

Oil industry jobs are usually physically demanding and may require you to travel to remote parts of the world. There you will have to work for months at a time. However, it can also an adventurous and rewarding career.

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Opportunities In The Gas Industry

Oil is a natural fuel, which is formed from buried, fall plants and animals in extreme heat and pressure over millions of years. Similarly, natural gas is the result of these deposits and is sometimes even mixed with the oil. The primary function of an oil and gas companies to find, extract and refine these natural resources. Big oil companies make huge extractions, while supporting the private contractors of the mining sub-sector.

A job in theGas industry is very rewarding. You need only identify the sphere of work that interests you most. The gas industry has a number of employment opportunities. Depending on qualifications and work experience available to hire employees for various companies onshore and offshore activities.

The jobs in the oil and gas industry is divided into three categories:

- Upstream Operations: Oil production in the fall under this category. The requirement is forContractors in the seismic testing, engineering, service rig operations, specialized drilling and to identify the manufacturer of the special equipment and supply.

- Midstream: These include the refining and transportation of oil following the drilling and extraction. Besides this, production and management of oil pipelines will help the pipeline operators to earn billions of dollars.

- Downstream: This includes the effective and wholesale promotions, the gasDealer.

The big companies are involved in all three areas. This means that they cleaned extract, transport and sale of petroleum and natural gas. Small companies focus on a specific area - it could be done either by drilling or the laying of pipelines.

Upstream sector jobs are the most desirable, since jobs are often traveling international and comprehensive. Employees are used in Alaska, the Arctic, Canada and Iraq and the Middle East. If you win the necessaryExperience and skill, you can find a position with a large company and enjoy traveling to different places.

You need not confine your job hunt for oil and gas companies only. Multinationals and large companies often outsource work oil service companies, lease and installation of facilities or equipment. Service companies send their employees on the basics of business transactions whenever and wherever needed.

Entry-level positions in the oil and gas industry are primarilythe production, purifying and transportation divisions. Jobs such as oil engineering and exploration require hands-on experience and training.

Some Of The Jobs Available:

Petroleum Geologist: Required to analyze and interpret gathered information. This position usually heads the exploration operations. Another job in this stream is that of a paleontologist, who studies fossil remains.

Rotary Drillers: They supervise the Operations of the machine and control of drilling speed and pressure.

Pump Operators: They keep the pump motors and similar devices, the surface is used to extract oil from the sources. The production supervisors and engineering team monitors their work.

In addition to the aforementioned items, there are openings for electricians, welders, laborers and instrument workshops. In non-automated equipment, maintenance and operators are oftenrequired.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Jobs In Outdoor Recreation

The concepts of work and bread for life in earning now completely changed, as it was a few decades ago. In the past, no one prefers to take a job outside from their towns because of two reasons, the rewards of the work was not suitable, and life is hard in the outstation.

In this age of information technology has the floor now converted into a global village, and professionalism in the human resource factor in the jobs in out door not only with a> Professional development and security, but also a source of recreation.

Now one days outdoor recreation jobs will be preferred by professionals, as outdoor environment provides with both physical and emotional satisfaction with the economic benefits.

God's gifts are distributed unevenly in the world, curiosity and exploration is in the nature of man. To investigate the natural resources or to the society, development or conversion to the technical knowledge, outdoor jobsare now both the public and private sectors around the world with a wide range of economic benefits that imagine was offered a dream in the past. Importance of human resource in now recognized with great importance. Out door economic activities contributing to the economy, many countries a considerable extent.

Sports are for many species such as fishing, hunting, camping, planning, training, coaching, sports, tourism, animals, snow on recreation, etc. These fields are notonly the promotion of tourism for the region but also in the economy of the country to contribute, through exports, implementation of international events and recreation facilities for nations.

Out door economic sources are now the main focus of the developing world and among developing countries, and it is now considered the economic apparatus of the country's economy. There are many circles that the level of the high quality of life through effective use of resources obtained from the doorCountry. Out door recreation such as swimming, beaches, camping, canoeing, restaurants, and has an important role in the income of the UAE real estate and also an important reason for tourists throughout the year. To make effective use of these hidden resources, professional and creative leaders are always needed, which now are highly rewarded by the provision of jobs recovery door.

Jobs in our house recreation and the promotion of leadership qualities, and experiments in life, how to deal with, the difficult situations and environmental conditions. Decision to adopt is a further addition in the personality of the employee, the job in out door recreation work to do.

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Developing Your Interests - How to Find Your Soul-Longing Career

Some of us move from career to career never really know where we belong.

Others know from the beginning, where they are destined to earn a living and then go and do it. Cortney Litwin is only one such person.

Growing up, she always had an interest in writing, astrology, and the public space. In its endless 20's Cortney studied astrology. In their 30's they honed their writing skills to perfection by going back to school and get a degree in journalism.During their 40 they took advantage of opportunities to speak publicly about their love, and began broadcasting for several radio stations.

While her parents may have hoped they would go into the family business (the wide belt from the famous Elvis wore in his last appearance), the tailoring was not easy for them.

All the while, she continued to find work that matched their skills and interests.

If we consider the development of the Life's Work Cortney could have observed, there shouldlooked something like this:

Early in life she made a point after their interest in astrology, dream interpretation, and other metaphysical studies.
They also extended their three preferred values, the exploration of spirituality and personal growth, developing their creativity and a positive force recorded in the world.
Her interest in writing and to understand, why people act like they helped her a positive force in the world through their greatLove to help people and by studying the spiritual astrology.
It has finally developed the perfect career for them, containing their most important skills, interests and values. Growing their talents, as the industry changed, so it has. Not once has she ever want to get out of their profession. She had found their target.

Today, Cortney beams when she talks about her work. "I am a writer of metaphysical articles and astrologer. I am also a co-hostPersonality of the Internet radio show, "The Cosmic Sutra, where I found my astrology and dream interpretation experience with callers. "

Since Cortney develop the vision and reap the benefits of their spirituality and personal growth, she now offers spiritual relationships and insights to people who read her radio show and hear thought-provoking lyrics.

Are you one of millions who do not know where you are in a career, do not giveup. There are solutions. Looking back, how in the early Cortney has God-given abilities, interests and values. If you can not quite put it together and you see your career options, you will find a professional advisor who will help you sort it all out. You may find yourself ready to start businesses, this dream you have been thinking about from home.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is an Enriched Preschool Program?

Many of the best Brookline kindergartens offer programs as part of their curriculum enrichment. Why? Because numerous studies have shown that the enrichment programs to benefit children in each socioeconomic group, so that they become productive citizens of the world in the future. This is obviously the number one Brookline reason why many parents choose for their child in a preschool Brookline, subscribe to emphasize that an enriched program of social, physical and cognitive development in the offersIn addition to language skills.

Kindergartens in Brookline should know to go over a basic child care and parents find the best Brookline preschool providers. Enrichment programs should encourage a variety of activities that young minds to give the study a second language, dramatic and creative play, basic science experiments that children an opportunity to explore the world around them closer. In this sense, most kindergartens in Brookline focus on threeBasic elements of a whole child approach to bilingual education and exploration of the world around them.

Exploring the World
Much of what we learn takes place outside the traditional classroom. The kindergartens in Brookline offers many opportunities for children to explore the world observed through field trips, visits to museums and other cultural institutions, and even simple trips to the playground to urban and suburban wildlife.

The whole child approach
A BrooklinePreschool children, an enrichment program normally offers children many opportunities to play their fine and gross motor skills through arts and crafts and outdoors, offers to develop activities. The difference is that many of the best Brookline kindergartens, there is a multi-level curriculum developed, probably acting classes, language courses, and maybe even a week yoga classes, which by the way an excellent opportunity for children which may not be sports fans can engage in some. Yoga is also a goodWay for kids to learn to calm themselves in times of such stress.

A bilingual education
In Brookline, a bilingual kindergarten education is often part of the curriculum as well. If it is important to you as a parent a child of preschool age Brookline, then you should try the best Brookline preschool offered as part of its enrichment program bilingual education. Learning a second language, or even a third building is an excellent opportunity for young people to the language skills such as vocabulary,Sentence structure and grammar. Bilingual education of a child also increases the appreciation of the customs and cultures that differ from their own.

วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Color Your Life

Have you ever being ranked in your career, wondering how you got there? If you have set for ourselves, not like your job, but do not see how you invest for 15 years can do about it.
Let's take a different perspective and see if you can solve your dilemma through this colorful full range of job and career exploration.

Think about when you started working. She looked at options and examine different ways of making money soon, you may havemoved into a new career as a way to change a lifestyle, or create, to transform your work life. This step brings the power and under free. There is strength and energy, and the color is red, the base chakra. It does not matter whether you find a job or a business culture built up their own businesses. They are inspired and motivated.

Move your career brings networking meetings, websites, and all social issues. Adding friends or former business partners to promoteYour business. If a company you make your employees and the Heads of State and Government. It is stimulating, social, and the color is orange, the second chakra.

At this point, your career is a craft to a number of skills or a model. They work on stored procedures, or protocols. You work from your left brain .. This is the third chakra, and the color is yellow. Your experiences are formalized, routine. Some people stay here, the feeling of the strong hold of the golden handcuffs.

Othernatural transition to the next level, the heart removed. To link to an evolving cycle of growth for yourself and your work.
Perhaps, like so many people these days, you started your career at a very young age, selling crafts in the garage, to participate in Junior Achievement, or lemonade. They work with passion, a mission. Their training is out of this place and learn the techniques and terminology of your career.

Try getting back to the heart after theEducation? They never leave the heart center, because that is who you are. The color is green and you give everything, from your place of authenticity. This is the fourth chakra.

Your next transition is the hardest, because that's where you express who you are and what you do. And where many routine trips. At this level, you integrate your work at work and in your body, the loss of the stored abilities. They are "in flux", as when you change to meet new peopleCompanies and encounter new opportunities. Life is an art form. This is the fifth chakra, blue, and it is the neck or communications center. How you speak about this place, you begin to experience the law of attraction. Here you can clarify, redefine, or intentions of who and what you want to attract and how to expand your career or business base.

Your next layer is the integration of your intentions in your inner knowledge, the intuitive self, can flow so realbegin. You assume leadership roles. They work with the intuitive voice, you have ego, the need to get right, and fresh ideas by synchronicity. This is the sixth chakra, indigo, in the third as the eye. It is the center, working from the shamans and healers.

Here are your last step could be, because this brings you to the mental level - a crucial step in the big picture. It's where you and your work, you in connection with the Divine in all things, and you will be aware of your impactEnvironments on the other. You connect with yourself in a different way. Experience the integration of your life on all levels. Here is where balance really starts. It is the place where you can experience the "big AH HA". This is when things become mystical. It is the crown or seventh chakra, and the color is purple. For the "nuts and bolts like all".

However, I believe that there is a next and final step. It is here where you can get off track again. It is also herewhere you get the freedom to express that you are in the world. This takes you to a place of trust and know, and your career and life to a true art, you have finely crafted. It resonates in your body, in your mind and move freely in this knowledge. It's where you follow your words and actions, and paint, write, design build a house or a boat. It is a place of freedom, and it is not age or have retired.

It is here where you get the power and strength of your base chakra, red, and the mixtureit with your crown chakra of violets, so that your spirit speaks from deep within your being. The blended color magenta, the aura of color that will be your magical, mystical attractor. It's where you express your uniqueness and you will be grounded in your heart.
You may wonder why there are so many in the business with a "poor me" attitude. I believe that this comes when people work, from the lower chakras and experience anxiety, and lack of competition. NoWhether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you have the option of the "poor" I move "spot. To revitalize, color and reshape your world, step aside for the moment to walk and reflect on where you stand in the world of business. Even better visualize where you are in the world.

Looking back at these eight levels, and check where you stand today. Where have you in the past and where you move your career and your life today? Take some time for thisThe growth prospects are steps.
These concepts can be a bit nervous, unique and safe out of the box. May you find your place on the edge.

© 2004 Susan "Sue" Bacon Trumpfheller

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

5 Tips to Keep in Mind Before Your Child Goes to College

Your children can be 8 or 18, but someday, they will go to college (unless they have other plans!) A day. The years will pass and you will not even know when your child graduates from high school and stand before you with a college acceptance letter. Therefore, it is very important to prepare them for school, before the time comes to finally leave the house.

Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure that moving your child to college as smoothly arepossible

1. Communication
It is very important to always stay on your child's goals and dreams. Never leave the channels of communication between a child and a parent go down. You should always make a good impression of what is going on in the light of your child when it comes to careers and further education. Remember that a child going to college is usually at an age where he could be his future career decisions are uncertain, his college major, or even if he wants to attend, College or not. If you communicate frequently with your child, you can help clear away some of those doubts by the spirit of your child.

2. Involvement
You should always remain active in the education of your child and that of the primary school. It can be as simple as attending PTA meetings, but stay tuned to your child's education you can offer some insights into his goals, desires and dreams that are very handy when the time comes for him to get to go to college.

3.> Exploration
However, you should always be encouraged to explore themes and issues above his level of comfort. If your child is limited to a few number of subjects, your child may never learn what he can do really well, or what he is really enthusiastic. Try to arouse his curiosity and different things right from primary school - music, art, language, sports, mathematics, science, etc. Let him experience a wide variety of subjects before he hits the college, it is the Moving to a universityWhole lot easier for him and you.

4. Thrift
At college, your child will have to live away from home on a meager allowance, or the hourly wages of a job. This may not be a difficult experience for many children used to thrift. Teach your children the value of money directly from an early age and the importance of saving. Steer them away from the use of credit cards and debt - students are drowning themselves in debt through the use of easily accessible infamousCredit cards. Please note that your child does eventually save money that you will save money too.

5. Promotion
It is very important to monitor your child about his dream and to encourage passions. At the same time, you must be aware if your child something, because he was really passionate about pursuing, or if he does, just to follow friends. If your child thinks he is not ready for college, do not insert him, it will only go backwards. Take time to understand your child'sGoals, and encourage them.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Your Future Career Choices Belong to YOU

Never let someone convince him or say anything else. Nothing is worse than a job in any career without passion. Spend your LIFE ~ hours, days or years to work ~ ~ or play where you want to be doing what you want to do. You are on a journey that we call life so that your decisions wisely, not in a hurry. Few decisions are important, if at all.

Set high goals with great expectations. Never be persuaded to give up, for some reason. You have to live a purpose to serve,give back the best of what you have. Perhaps you have less than your best at school, college, even a few past jobs no excuse. Forget the past, it has gone to not return a non-over. We demand that the story and have to live with it.

However, learn from your past or it will end repeats itself. If you ruffle a few places or bad experiences of poor decisions you set your goals higher. Did not make the same mistakes that you made in the past. You can use it to start again with a newDirection.

Maybe you do not need to change. As long repeat, a good choice. Also in the future to grow your career and develop to take on greater responsibility. Become more valuable to your employer or yourself, if an entrepreneur. Write your goals and keep score. Be sure to journal your daily activities and services to meet your personal goals.

Wonders why everything and listen to the answers. Why do I have this job? Why am I on this career path? WhyI'm on this trip? Why I am with this company? Why am I going to start my own business? Keep asking why, write your answers down quickly. It will surprise you with either good thoughts, or it can open new doors for exploration.

Challenges and decisions are constant companions. Sometimes you can just be in the wrong place, wrong company, it is simply wrong, as far as that goes. You'll find powerful messages a train to make a change to get a new careerPath.

Maybe you've realized that you are in a dead-end job. It is possible that you took the job, without thinking, or was it a requirement of time in order to survive. You owe it to yourself and your family as the best thing you can. We all have one goal in life, otherwise we would not be here. God is interested in the future. Let him down.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

"Teen Guide Job Search" Book Review

I just finished reading the book "Teen Job Search Guide" by Donald Wilkes and Viola Hamilton-Wilkes. I am deep in the scene teen job as owner of the jobs involved teenagers and resume writing company website for young people and, as such, I read a very fey books on the subject. This book is a ten step guide that will help teenagers in their job search. The chapters are picking what you want, write your CV, interviews and other basic subjects. I must say that I am not very impressed with theBook. Do not get me wrong, it was well written and provided decent information.

My biggest criticism is that the book be different from the dozens of other similar books on the shelf. They offer the same tips on how to dress well on the conversation and eye contact during the interview. These are important ideas, but not enough to fill an entire book. In addition, the information was from and most of it was no longer relevant. Many of the suggestions that they resumeprovided or is no longer acceptable practice. The book does not mention the importance of the Internet and how to help young people find jobs.

There were a few bright spots in the book. I liked the chapter that guides teenagers through the career exploration process. I liked making the fact that the book devotes a chapter to define some of the difficult words that young people encounter on applications and interviews.

Finally, the book was onlyAverage, in my opinion, how do you find this information in a book, you can get on this subject.

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Self Actualization - A 9 Step Process

Abraham Maslow was a man before his time. He was intelligent enough to study healthy and productive people, while the development is in psychology to study people from the mentally unstable variety. His approach was more scientific than philosophical, and so his work is widely studied in psychology classes in the world - and for good reason. Maslow helped to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. In other words, he added, in reference to the study of the mind, and added that the human raceScience.

The highlight of his 20-year research, Maslow came to order one, which automatically updates a person had to adopt a reflective nature to believe. This person should have the capacity for two things: self-study and take action.

The following nine steps you can help there:

1. Let yourself fully in the moment. If you participate in an activity so that your full attention is on the task at hand, you are in the flow. When you become aSource of energy and you have this divine energy is available. For this reason, your work require a joyous experience.

2. Start to be what brings the life of the table is known, and make decisions that serve your best interests. The choice that you will be easy, because your intuition (our inner source) is set so high that it is not wrong, you never manage to. A trust is developed, so that you can recognize if your choice will be more of a challenge (associated with a risk)Let the result in a better place.

3. Will you keep sent to your ego in check. Do not be put into a slave to the desires of other people, and relaxed at your true self in the physical world.

4. Live in humility and integrity. Forgive yourself and forgive others. If you make a choice, do not serve, have you or other people than you thought they would own it. Take responsibility for where you are and what appears to you.

5. Be willing to live on a --Island. Know that some of your decisions will be unpopular, but go with them anyway. Seeking admission, is not the way to you. Take advantage of the measures to creatively and boldly.

6. Trust your instincts and listen to your intelligence. Study in your field of choice. Their ability to connect with your good work to give you a balanced assessment of the situation.

7. Be specific in your desires and know that you will be able to win them. You can not take care of themselves by trying toThings that fall into the category of illusion. Use the universal law of attraction with ease, but keeps his feet firmly on the ground.

8. , Knowing who you are and what you are capable. Its strength lies in being, and are stopped from there. Let us inspire your actions. Follow the inner guidance. Understand and respect that you have the power, and also respect the fact that other that force is available.

9. Live with compassionknow that other difficulties in accessing this source can come. Have a strong moral compass. Live your life with the purest of the intention to realize and that is the best way of serving others.

If you would follow these steps with the consistency of practice, Abraham Maslow update you as self-image. He was a wise man. Maslow came in 1970, but his work lives on. In this quote from Abraham Maslow, he shows his respect for the spiritual and scientific nature of manare:

"Self is the inner growth, which is already in the organism, or more precisely, what the organism is."

Copyright 2007, Avenstar Enterprises, Inc. / Zen Fireflies

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Career Education

A competitive world motivates people to seek higher education that shape their future. Career Education developed a systematic program for students. It is a basic and increasingly relevant part of students and adults. It covers the activities and experiences to self-knowledge, professions, educational backgrounds, increase job-searching skills and decision-making strategies.

Many schools and colleges offer courses and counseling on careerEducation, should in the care of the "whole person." Career education programs will help enable students to discover their potential. These programs focus primarily on three interrelated areas, learner, interpersonal and professional development. Within these three areas, students acquire an understanding of their critical and analytical skills.

A comprehensive program for training students to experience clarifies the importance of their school. It isto the students a head start in their careers by studying a variety of career opportunities. It is also intended to ensure that prepare every student receives a quality education for higher education and their first job in a competitive market.

The strategies of vocational education programs include career contextual learning, which emphasize the use of scientists in fields outside the classroom.

The programs helpStudents develop study skills and strategies that they can use at work. It makes them manage and be responsible for their own learning.

Online career education has increased in popularity. More and more people choose online courses over traditional education in the classroom. Universities and colleges respond to this growing demand by offering a variety of online programs, classes and degrees.

Career Education Programs have to be veryBenefit to the students. They include education plans that define their abilities, skills and values. The students talk about their abilities in certain occupations, and prepare a research project on a career that matches their goals and abilities.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Feng Shui Store Design

A well-planned interiors store is for retail sales success. We know, for example, that a good store design can revitalize sales, minimize shoplifting and to promote a brand image. But what if the way the interior is articulated, allowing you to promote a hidden energies to your business and in attracting good fortune tap?

This is the belief behind Feng Shui Shop design and it is by no means a new-age fashion. This practice has been used by Chinese traders for centuries, and isNow the search for new supporters in the West by some large retail chains. (Without too deep into it, it is filled with arcane details hard), it is an old code, partly aesthetic, practical, and some with a large dose of mysticism. The purpose of (literally air modulate water) and to channel the invisible energy ( "qui" is pronounced "chi") that exists all around us. By manipulating, or rather the fine tuning of the physical environment, it is possible to harmonize with this energyand create a positive synergy to the lives of those who influence the interaction with the environment in a positive way.

Some retailers who are the ancient Chinese principles of design in their stores the application vehemently maintains a measurable increase in business volume, according to a recent article published in Apparel News. But while the financial returns can be denied, it is possible that most of the results of the fact that feng shui involves reflecting a lot of good designPractice and purely aesthetic principles, the actual benefits arising from the appointment of a retail space with a non-subjective clarity. Of course there are talks of skeptics! The other possibility is that influence is a metaphysical force with a power rating in the bottom line. Wherever the truth lies, everything is a tonic to increase sales in these testing times, is worth some further exploration.

For more information about Feng Shui or to find a consultant in your areaVisit of the American Feng Shui Institute (www.amfengshui.com) or if you have a bit of DIY then Lillian Too's book "The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui" is an ideal starting point and Reference Manual.

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